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555 timer operation

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  • esp01 May. 15.gif
    esp01 May. 15.gif
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You need a trace from Vcc to the positive side of C2 to charge the cap. There is no power to it.
well with a discharged capacitor it should set the output high alowing for the cap to charge, when 2/3 vcc is obtained the output will go low which should mean connected to ground and the cap can discharge again. I'm sure I've done it before (in real life infact) it should give a roughly constant frequency and variable duty cycle.

at the moment the output just goes high
Here is a simple astable


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yes thats it but you don't have pulse width control, now all I'm doing is adding diodes and hoes that going to cause an issue ?
well I can't understand why the atached circuit will not work....
It should work. Perhaps you have the pot to close to one end and there is no resistance in series with the capacitor. I would try a small value say 220 ohms in series with the wiper of the pot.
well I can't understand why the atached circuit will not work....

Well, i suppose you want to make a PWM. Considering of the diodes. it seems you have some wrong wiring. At first, you get output from 3, where you should from 7. Anyway. Check this **broken link removed** that is tested and it works.
well pin 7 is discharge, you wont get any power from it. if your comtrolling a mosfet its quite ok to use pin 3 as output, my circuit is the same as the one your showing me.....
well pin 7 is discharge, you wont get any power from it. if your comtrolling a mosfet its quite ok to use pin 3 as output, my circuit is the same as the one your showing me.....

hi TC,
Is your problem solved.?:)
I've done it in real life si I be damned if I know why it won'y work, its the same as the above linked circuit too, I think I may try and make it in real life later
I've done it in real life si I be damned if I know why it won'y work, its the same as the above linked circuit too, I think I may try and make it in real life later

Look at your Sim Scope connections!!!!!

It works OK in LTS.

EDIT: is that XSC1 a dual scope, I maybe misreading that scope connection..


  • esp02 May. 16.gif
    esp02 May. 16.gif
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pcbheaven: your using a pullup resistor on pin 7 to create the output signal to drive the mosfet, this is a good way of doing it however it has nothing to do with the actual operation of the circuit, the actual circuit drive is the same as what i have you are using pin 7 coupled with a resistor to drive the mosfet I am not driving anything at all just sampling pin 3 with a scope, if I were to drive a mosfet weather or not I use pin 3 or 7 (with the extra resister) it would make no difference to the circuit actually working.

Eric: yes its a dual channel scope, I think my simulator is playing me up
pcbheaven: your using a pullup resistor on pin 7 to create the output signal to drive the mosfet, this is a good way of doing it however it has nothing to do with the actual operation of the circuit, the actual circuit drive is the same as what i have you are using pin 7 coupled with a resistor to drive the mosfet I am not driving anything at all just sampling pin 3 with a scope, if I were to drive a mosfet weather or not I use pin 3 or 7 (with the extra resister) it would make no difference to the circuit actually working.

Eric: yes its a dual channel scope, I think my simulator is playing me up

What sim are you using.?

BTW: tried with a TTL and CMOS 555 works OK.
You dont need those power diodes, 1N4148 etc work OK.
its multisim 9 so should do a good job, I think though sometimes it tried to take so much reality into theoretical consideration that it runs you round in circles doing things you wouldn't expect. But I can't see what the problem would be with this circuit, last time I had a problem it was because it refused to turn on a led unless the resistor in series was able to supply at least 10 mA in the real world the led would have just lit dimly
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