5km fm transmitter

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your circuit is very bad quality unstable one, when you more you hand over it, it may go out of FM range, really not easy 2tune, also 5km??? you can try for a distance of 500m. 5km is not an easy task, involves stable oscilators, filters, power amp and antenna..
You can't get a transistor to oscillate in this type of circuit while conducting 300mA. And it's not an RF transistor.
Looks like it came from one of those totally unreliable, never-tested circuits sites like you talk about on your site.
how about 2n3866? :? Is there any circuits using it for a long range?

Wow! Your junk box has a lot of precious things. I an searching this 3866 from 3 yrs ago. It is great for long range. It has 1 watt RF output capacity. And it transmit easily 2-3 km in normal FM receivers. SHARE YOUR JUNK BOX WITH ME DEAR! Search 3866's circuits in google.
You want a transistor with a cut-off frequency of about 300MHz so that as you come down the graph to 100MHz, it will have a gain of about 30.

actually it will have a gain of 3. IIRC, all that's required is for the device to have a gain greater than unity to oscillate, but it's generally understood it should be at least 2.
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