6 volt regulator

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New Member
I am trying to find a schematic for a 6 volt regulator for a motorcycle it is positive ground and it has a permanent magnet alternator magnet rotor and stator is coils of wire I am going to use a bridge rectifier radio shacks 25 amp version to change the output to DC but need to regulate the current charging the battery the alternator is only good for 10 amps so with the head lamp on ( law here in Va )mainly what I am trying to do is limit voltage to the 6 volt electronic ignition system ( Pazon brand) the voltage needs to stay below 7.5-8 volts any help is apreciated TIA
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I have posted several motorcycle regulator circuits on several threads going back ~ three years. Use the forum search feature with my name "MikeMl".

They will likely be in the Automotive forum.
The schematic in post #4 in this thread is for a positive ground system with a 6V battery.

The ground symbol in the schematic is the positive ground, presumably where the battery positive pole is already connected. Since it is a shunt regulator, the regulator connects across the battery. Running with headlight on will reduce the amount of power that must be dissipated as heat in the wire-wound resistor and the FET.
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