74LS193 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Counter

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New Member
I am having difficulty making the 74LS193 automatically count up and then recycle and count back down. That is 0000 - 1111-0000. I wired the circuit to make it count up. I had to switch the wires of the clock and the high between pins 4 and 5 to make it count down. Could you please let me know what way to wire it to automatically count up and then recycle back down. I need to know what pins to put together. I read your post about cascading them together. However I didn't really understand what you meant. I didn't know what to do with the inputs or whether to take the outputs into the inputs of the next chip. Please help me understand. Thanks in Advance
I haven't tested this, but it should work. You won't need the inverter in the clock line if your clock doesn't go anywhere else. I used a Motorola **broken link removed**, so if you don't recognize the input and output labels in the schematic, refer to this datasheet.


  • 74ls193_recycle.GIF
    4.7 KB · Views: 3,832
Develop a digital display clock circuit based on the 555 timer using the counter chip 74LS193. The circuit must generate it's own 1 second timereference (accurate to within 10%). The circuit has a single digit output (a signly 7 segment display) that counts from 0 to 9 seconds. The circuit overflows from 9 back to 0 and continually repeast the count.

could anyone please provide a schematic diagram
and explain how to make this circuit work please
if you want 74193 to loop back, pulse the clear pin high on the last count plus one by ANDing corresponding pin output, like AND bit1 and bit3 with RC time constant, to clear on the tenth count
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