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8086 micro-processor.

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New Member
Hi! to all of You.
i am doing a project using 8086 microprocessor, i want a software
which converts the program written in c language to the program written in assembly language of 8086 microprocessor.
i have search the net for this but i failed to find such software.
If any one knows the site from where i can download such software
i will be very gratefull to him.
Thank you in advance.
Is your project using a PC based on a 8086 , running a certain os (DOS perhaps?). Or is it a standalone project, using the 8086 processor, but not the rest of the pc structure ?
Most compilers have an option to output an assembly file when you compile your C code. Look for an 8086 compiler and ask the vendor if it will output assembly.

I haven't tried these but you can try to download the "OpenWatcom" compiler.

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Or turbo c 2.01 from Borland

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N.B. if you change the startup code, you can directly compile the C source into romable binary code suitable for embedded apps. Use exe2bin to convert the exe file to binary. Some of the library functions might not be romable however. For years, I have been using Borland C++ v3.1 on an AM188 based controller.
"Thanks for your reply and suggetions"
No, my project is not using pc based on a 8086.i needed the software
because it will be easy to write a big program,which will be then converted to assembly language.
i needed it because a single minor mistake can create a problem in my project and it is difficult too to detect it ,if a very long program as in my case, is written in the assembly language directly .What i was thinking that i will create my assembly language program through such a software and then feeding it into the memory.
If it is not a PC then you need to be carefull with wich compiler you choose. If, for example you use a C compiler for the pc, it might use DOS calls or other pc-based operations, wich will not work on your embedded application.

The Watcom compiler motion suggested normally outputs 386 code with a DPMI interface (DOS4GW). It might be configurable to make real mode code, but i don't know about it.

I would try the DOS borland compilers suggested by motion. Try to adapt the compiler so it doesn't use DOS calls or any libraries wich require DOS or the pc bios, disks, or any pc devices that are not available on your project. The old dos compilers didn't support DPMI so that's one less thing to worry about.
Update: Borland's "newer" Turbo C++ 1.01 is also available for free download.

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No, my project is not using pc based on a 8086.i needed the software because it will be easy to write a big program,which will be then converted to assembly language.

It is not a problem even if the target system is not PC based. You don't even have to compile to assembly language output although being able to see the code is also useful. You can take the generated OBJ files and link them with the startup code for the target system.

AFAIK, You may also link to Borland C standard C library (cs.lib, cm.lib, cl.lib). I have done so in my projects and haven't found any problem. Anyway the source codes for these libraries as well as for the startup code is part of the software package.

Paradigm Systems supplies tools like remote debuggers and relocators for Borland C and Microsoft C that help generate x86 ROM based code.

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Thank a lot....

i had downloaded the Borland's turbo c++, from the site and it has solved my problem to great extent.
Thanks for your extended support to me .
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