89s52 Mcu

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Try for the 89s52 datasheeet at www.alldatasheet.com and cross compare- you will appreciate that s52 is has Incircut serial programming capability-- just with 4 wires. A programmer of this type can be seen at
**broken link removed**
and at suitable programming driver is also indicated therein.

all the best


i am simran from Bangalore india...

89s51 and 89c51 comparison:

1. 89c51 is now stopped by atmel and the company has now started production of 89s51...

hence.. 89c51 is not used for newer designs.....

2. secondly, the difference is not in architecture... both are same... but the difference lies only in programming...
i.e. you can easily program this microcontroller without programmer just by attaching it to your pc....

3. if you need one more good programmer ckt..

go to www.8052.com/users/AT89S52InSystemProg/

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