9 volt battery?

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2 Things

1)I would like to take a single 9 volt battery and be able to power a device that needs about 31 or 32 volts to function properly.

2) I would like to be able to keep it at the same current as the battery weakens ( obviously within reason )

Any Ideas where I might learn how to do this. Lead me to a link, or a book that might explain how to do this. I would like to be able to do both, but I can get started with just the first objective being achieved.

Thanks for any helpfull feedback.
You didnt specify how much output current you need at 32v, or if it is ok for the 2 ground wires to be connected?

Try a google search for "simple SMPS boost regulator" which will give you a head start.

Also have a look at the cheap little 8pin IC; google for "34063 datasheet". That is a nice little chip for lowish power boost or buck supplies.
Here is a circuit I designed and built several years ago. You will have to adjust the values of R1 and R2. As far as I remember because of the feedback system in the 3524 the output remains constant with the 9V battery discharging.


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Is the energy stored in a 9v batt. (9v x the A-h rating) sufficient for your application?
I don't know what the chip does enough to figure out what R1 and R2 do. Can you help me by letting me know what those two values need to be inorder to output 31 volts.

Do the numbers on your schematic represent the actuall pin placement eventhough they appear to be out of order on the schematic? Do I just connect the pins not being used to the ground?

Sorry about the newb questions....I'm not looking to learn electronics, just need to be able to figure this part out, solder it, and I will be good.

Please Help Me!
The schematic I have calls for 3, 9 volt batteries. I want to power it using 1. The original plan called for 27 volts ( hence 3, 9 volt batteries) but the original plan was altered to 31 volts for optimum effect. 3, 9 volt batteries makes the unit somewhat big. I want to make it portable ( handheld ). If I can use 1, 9 volt battery and give it continuous 31 volts I will be able to make it portable as well as effective longer, with the continuous voltage.

The schematic up above given to me by k7elp60 would work well if I can get the output at 31 volts. I can then add that schematic to the input desighn that I have and everything should work just fine.

.....that and a quick understanding of the pin #ing and what to do with the pins not used and I should be able to play dot to dot and put it together. I apologize for my lack of pretty much everything electroincs. I'm asking for help with no merit and no contribution whatsoever. Hence my gratitude for everything considered.
I am not sure what you want my schematic for..but here it is: Do you think you might be able to help me with the schematic I have been asking about?

This is the other schematic in question. I need those 2 resistors R1 and R2 changed so the output is 31 volts. And a quick response to the pins as mentioned up above in earlier posts.


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You do know that Bob Becks device has never proven any health benefits whatsoever? Why would you think 32VDC would work any better? If you want small and simple use three 12V camera batteries.

**broken link removed**

A cure for AIDS
So are you telling me that you don't want to help me because you don't belive in the protocol? I'm asking for electronic help not trying to prove theories. That's why I wasn't forthcoming on the schematic. (its everywhere on the internet, easily recognized. I'm not trying to get into a debate about it. I just need help so I can make it portable. I have all the protocol just trying to improve.
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Thanks, good resource to know about. But that really don't help me with the constant voltage as the battery disipates. Seeing you know about what it is being used for, you can see why I would like it to constant.

I'm not sure why you wouldn't bother just letting me know what R1 and R2 values should be to give me the desired output of 31 volts. Is it because what I am asking about would involve alot of calculations and trial and error. Or you just simply are stringing the newb along....lol

In any case....thanks I guess
I recalculated and the values for R1 and R2 shown for 36 volts are actually for 31 volts. The output may vary from this as the reference voltage out will have an effect on the output voltage. So you may have to adjust the values of R1 and or R2 to get the right voltage. The reference output voltage on pin 16 is divided in two by the resistor divider between pin 16 and ground with the midpoint connected to pin 2. This reference voltage can vary from 4.6 to 5.4 volts depending upon the IC.

The pins shown are actual pin#'s. You should not connect unconnected pins to ground.
So if I understand you correctly. The constistancy will be there but not perfectly at 31 volts. And it will stay within that consistancy as the battery dissipates ( within reason ) +- a volt or two?

Yes, it's a boost converter you want. They can be programmed with a couple of 1% resistors. The problem is they are not 100% efficient.
By the time you build it the boost converter will cost more and be bigger than the four 9 volt batteries combined!
And with efficiency losses it will drain the battery in less than 1 sixth the time!

It may not cure what ails you but the battery companies will feel better for you using it!

Colloidal silver? Isn't that the make a Smurf of yourself stuff?
Or a Nabarie?
LOL a perfect example of medical suppression at it's finest. There are supposedly 5 cases in the entire world and millions of people take colloidal silver. The reason that I say supposedly 5 is because one of the five has come out and said that his photo was doctored to look like that. All cases did not measure the PPM when making it, and all used contaminated water for years at a time. Not that this is the forum to discuss this, but don't you find it odd that the same people that are in control over the decisons about what works and what don't are the same people that are the presidents and ceo's of the major drug companies. Isn't it interesting also that when you look at history or old traditions people used to eat on silver plates, drink out of silver goblets, and used to put silver in the bottom of their water and farmers put it in the milk vats to keep it from spoiling. Even the old expensive china has pure silver silverware. The silverware we use is contaminated with nickel and other harmful metals. The FDA are in bed for the pharmacutical companies. They are a business, and it is the legal responsibility of a business to increase the revenue of the company to increase share holders stock. Why would those that make a decison on what is good and bad want to tell you of a cure that they could not patent nor control, knowing that the would not be making money selling their drugs? Seems to me, you should take a look at George Washington Carver's quote once again.

By the way thanks for your electronic feedback...knowledge is power!
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