9 volt battery?

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By the way.....look up Alexander Flexnor. He was the puppet that Rockefellar used to start a propaganda campaign to stop all electrolysis medice especially in the research labs at universities . A little history will show you that Rockefellar owned the pharmacutical business ( and still does ). He also funded Nickola Tesla who was created free energy for the planet, but when yours truely found out about it and realized that he wouldn't be able to control it, he stopped funding him and destroyed all his towers that he used for zero point energy. They now use Nickola Tesla's discovery but it's not for free energy...rather it's to control the weather... I can almost here a snicker LOL ..but look up HAARP ( High Frequency Active Auroral Research ) . I read a book called "These angels don't play this HAARP. By the way while your at it...look up sometime in your friendly skies.....Do you notice at any given day your skies have lines going all across the heavens looking like airplanes are playing tic tac to in the skies. Those are called chemtrails...and they are not for our well being. But hey, consider the source, your hearing this from a guy that takes colloidal silver!
The boost converter may be bulky, or not, depending on your skill, and you'll want to achieve reasonable efficiency in order to keep the battery sellers at bay. Suggestions given can provide good regulation.

The 9V form factor has the worst energy density in the market, so you might want to consider a 6xAA battery holder instead. Six AA's Alkaline, NiMH, NiCd, will all put out 8.4V or more for most of their life which meets the suggested minimum 8.0V Vcc for the 3524. Rechargeable AA's give you a renewable source if your usage is ongoing.

[edit] Six, 1.2V cells makes 7.2V [/edit].

You're apparently aware of the 32V maximum for the LM358, since you're looking for 31V regulated.

You've found a group of people who, while otherwise helpful, "need" to remind posters whenever they're doing something immoral, illegal, fattening, ineffective, or not invented here. These comments can add value if you keep them in perspective. Malice is almost never the motivation.

I'm not a person seek medical cures from lights or magnets, but I'm always eager to help anyone build a circuit.
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All schematics created by bob beck are open to the public.... before he fell down the stairs and died in surgery do to complications ( if you can believe that one ) he encouraged better designing. I do appreciate all comments..and thank everyone that posted for their advice and expertise, including you. Thanks
I recall another siver like metal that too had a huge following of people that said it had medicinal and curative properties. They also used it for plates, cups, food preparation, plumbing and countless other things.
Look how the EPA 'suppresses' it now!
Lead if you wondering, and take a good historical look at the Roman government figures who made history from going insane from it!
I never heard of that. Not saying it didn't occur, just never heard of it. I appreciate other peoples opinion and I believe in freedom of speech. Seeing this is not the forum for government conspiracy's I will have to agree to disagree ( not about Rome but the subject of suppression ). No hard feelings one way or the other. God Bless and thanks again for all your help!
Please don't take colloidal silver.

It causes brain damage. Someone on another forum took it and their posts became incoherent.

The FDA are in bed for the pharmacutical companies.
Please don't take any notice of those conspiracy theories.

Have you ever set foot out of the US?

If you look at the laws for pharmaceuticals in other countries you'll find that colloidal silver isn't licensed anywhere else in the world.

So even if you don't trust your FDA then please take note of other independent regulatory bodies in other countries.
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As It was explained to me by a bio chemistry sciences doctor any inorganic metals in your body that are in higher than trace levels (few 10's of parts per million levels) Cause harm!

Typically metal functions and neural logical capacities are affected first. Delusions, paranoia, obsessive or compulsive behavior , false feelings of grander or superiority, incoherent speech and thought processes, central nervous system damage, loss of proper sensory feelings and neural connection decay, Plus just acting rather F'ed up in the head!
plus the vital organs start to become permanently damaged.
I bet thats how a person looses their balance and falls down a flight of stairs.
Their sense of balance is messed up and their muscle reaction time is to slow or weak to respond properly.
And when the central nervous system is damaged and the vital organs are damaged you tend to die on the hospital table fairly easy!

I personally know people that have had heavy metals poisoning from bad well water. Until the doctor can get that out of the body a person can not be properly treated. Metals poisonings mess up common drug reactions and greatly limits the doctors ability to do even simple things relating to treatment.
Thats a medical fact!
Silver also has no role in the human body, you can happily live without silver, in fact you're better off without it!
The lamma on the other forum who made and drank colloidal silver then started making an HHO machine using transistors connected upside-down.
It could have been worse.

He could have re-wired his house with the live and earth conductors reversed or played around with a microwave oven transformer.
So where is this UFO detecting Lamma?
He sounds like his posts could be an entertaining read!
Just for info, I said earlier that six, 1.2 volt cells would provide 8.4 volts for an LM3524. I've corrected that post; 6 * 1.2 = 7.2. I hope nobody built something based on this error. (We now return to your regularly scheduled medical debate.)
My family raised sheep for a few years when I was growing up. Trust me sheep as stupid as they are, intellectually and common sense wise still out weigh many people I have met in my life!
Just remember when this so called pig flu, avian flu, bird flu virus gets released into the public once again from the bio-lab firms. And the WHO (World Health Oganization) wants you to take the Tamaflu Vaccination from the Baxter Corporation, make sure you don't! For one, the Baxtor Company realeased the bird flu into the population and when comfronted about the apparant people that died from it...they tried to use the trading laws to get out of being accountable and not responding to investigations. (apparently WHO is not to worried about it seeing they are investigating it while making them the supplier of it)Also this Tamaflu Vaccine will not work on these man made viruses. It would be like shooting a high powered rifle at a target that moved 3 days ago. Oh and not to mention that Bush, Rumbsfeld, and Obama have lots of stock in Tamaflu. They sit back and laugh at the ingnorant people that actually think their is a left, right, democrat, republican, liberal, conservative paradigm while they use this fake theater to continue thier global agenda to completely control everyones education, health, economies, food, water, and property rights. So when they use some fake False flag like Reichstag, Lucitania, Pearl Harbor, and the most recent terror plot 911 to bring into America a police state (Homeland Security) so that people under the guise of "terror" will gladly line up at the FEMA camps and take their precious shot, believing that their wonderful caring world government is there to protect them and has their best interest at heart...while they have literaly raped the worlds economy and stole most recently 12.7 trillion dollars to so called bail out American Businesses when in actuality they just gave most of it to off shore bankers and the rest to the major corporations to ship all their businesses in America over seas. Wake up before it is to late. The governments of the world are controlled by a very few families, and politicians all over the world have sold out their people by bribes and chicanery.

Course you can blame it on those delusions of grandeur that I suffer from do to colloidal silver.

I personally don't care what you use to take care of your finances, health, education, or property. But if it comes from the governments of the world...especially when its federally operated...I would just say no!
If any of this seems completely foreign you might try this book out for size. I know it's not electronics.....but if you want the freedom to even buy electronic parts in the future...this might be of interest to you.


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