90 degree magnets

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Well-Known Member
I once read that if you bring two magnets together @ 90 degrees to each other their fields will not interact.

Haveing said that i was wondering: if i had 3 coils, one each on a x , y and z axis which one would not pick up a signal from a radio station?
what kind of magnets? They'll interact anyway. I've never seen non-responsive interaction between two magnets, unless you're counting in those fridge magnets.
If you read his post carefully, you'll notice he is actually asking if the suppposed non-interactivity between magnets also extends to antennas. Receiver antennas with certain orientations relative to the transmitter antenna certainly do pick up a weaker signal. Assuming simple dipole antennas, the receiver antennas not parallel to the transmitter antenna will receive have a weaker. I am not sure whether their signal strength is the same though or different depending on whether they are pointing radially or tangentially to the imaginary circle around the transmitter antenna.

But I've never heard the same thing about the magnet because my understanding is that the lines of magnet flux will move to connect the poles between magnets.
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