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95 versus 99 octane petrol

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I couldn't agree more with the observation that the retards run the planet for the most part. :mad:

It really bothers me that whenever someone finds out some way of doing things cheaper, better and more efficiently there is always someone or a group who will do their damnedest to prevent that information from becoming public knowledge or being implemented.
Most often its simply that despite the fact that a concept may actually really work but it however goes against their collective understandings of something they believe that therefor since they dont understand it no one else can either and thusly it should never even be spoke of let alone experimented with and perfected.

If it saves fuel and can be scientifically proven to be a good thing or to be no worse that whats currently used or just goes against whats currently popular arm chair politicians, environmentalists, or animal rights activists will find a way to stop it. And heaven forbid that if it did get used it would mean some corporate giant and or political party could not make a profit from it or use it to control the population with it.:mad:

If it can save energy the 'know it alls' with their glorious pieces of paper that say they know how the universe works because they spent X amount of money on a hollow education will find every imagined minute flaw or possible irrelevant imperfection in it and declare the whole concept junk before ever attempting to understand it let alone accept that its weaknesses are many times less than whats in the devices they and everyone uses every day all ready.

Whats worse is that what does get to public doesn't get much real interest simply because so much pointless 'what if' scenarios and uneducated nonsense or fears get tossed at it no one will believe it or ever attempt to try and understand it let alone implement it and benefit from it. :mad:
the public are no longer in a position to have an opinion, the opinion most people have is they don't care providing it doesn't touch their fragile existance of wastefullness
If it saves fuel and can be scientifically proven to be a good thing or to be no worse that whats currently used or just goes against whats currently popular arm chair politicians, environmentalists, or animal rights activists will find a way to stop it. And heaven forbid that if it did get used it would mean some corporate giant and or political party could not make a profit from it or use it to control the population with it.:mad:

Can you provide an example of your claims?, or is it just a conspiracy theory?.
One important thing to remember. Half of the worlds population is bellow average intelligence and due to the fact that the level of intelligence required to be a fully function person in society is so low the people in charge are not always the most inteligent one's but rather ones that socialize and work well in groups. Anyone that doesn't like this needs to find a different planet to live on cause that's the way things are and will always be when population densities in a social group grow to the point they have with the human race, especially with our ability to communicate instantly if desired with any person on the planet.
the people in charge are not always the most inteligent one's but rather ones that socialize and work well in groups. Anyone that doesn't like this needs to find a different planet to live on

so that sounds like the local group of yobs, great so you won't mind if the only thing they can do well as a group is come and smash your windows because thats what they feel like and in doing it they are socializing with each other and working well as a group ! (they have a comon objective as a group and so are working well as a group instead of fighting between themselves)

as for our advanced means of comunication it is not always such a good social thing as it means we stop interacting as people. I am part of a social club which is arranged in districts around the country, as soon as it was decided that district meetings would be held via one of these hifalute technological means the whole district fell apart, we no longer know our neibouring clubs. We are now having physical district meetings again and guess what ? we are now all working as a district and actualy are starting to get to know our neiboughring clubs ! and do things together. so much for technology in helping society.
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Can you provide an example of your claims?, or is it just a conspiracy theory?.

I do not consider myself a conspiracy nut or follower by any means! :)
Rather just someone who has to have solid and provable understanding of how things work. If I study and research a common method or principal and find large flaws and considerable public misinformation or omissions of information has been or is being placed with it in order for a political or corporate entity to gain power and wealth I will consider it a bit of a cover up though. ;)

The same goes for when I find out about a supposed alternative way of doing something that has a load of naysayers and detractors I then have to do my own scientific research and testing to see if it is really bogus scam work or an actual real and potentially beneficial method of doing things.:)

If I did post my understandings theres going to likely be an uproar and a lot of heated debate and fighting about it. Those who believe whats current to be good, correct, proper and the only way to do things will go nuts over some of what I and many others believe and have proven to be bold faced lies, half truths, and general misinformation or lack of information fed to the average public. :(

So I am going to take the stay quiet and live my life in piece as I have continually done so far with what I know. I really dont feel like arguing my points of view to the full extent. I know what I have proven to myself about what really works and what doesn't and I feel that if I managed to figure it out and implement it into my life so can anyone else if they really wanted to. :)

If you really want to know what I think and know just read through my longer and more in depth posts since I joined ETO. Most of what I think is there and from that you can probably pick up on what I have found to be questionable or not understood but still viable concepts.;)
Way to completely distort what I said with no point Thunderchild.
Society has rules, mobs that act that far out of the norm are dealt with as best as they can be and are uncommon compared the vast majority of mobs following rules established by other mobs.

as for our advanced means of communication it is not always such a good social thing as it means we stop interacting as people.
Completely dead wrong.
Technology doesn't isolate people: U.S. study | Lifestyle | Reuters
If you've ever seen kids in the US glued to their cell phones and twittering away while updating their facebook pages, you're looking at it through myopic vision because I see kids socialized in person all over the place just like always, those connections methods are nothing more than extra tools they've adopted. And while contact isn't always face to face as it used to be this in absolutely no way shape or form should be take that we're not interacting with people.

Your personalized example of the problems associated when your groups attempted to use the communication is nothing more than proof that your group wasn't able to use them effectively and in absolutely no way says anything about those tools failure to bring you together as a group as they are just that tools not instant community making magic boxes. The social networks and communities that arise in these 'new fangled technologies' are just as real as the physical one you take part in.

You're allowing your entrenched perception of things colour your opinion and not giving the new things around you a fair chance. Not to say that you should completely supplant the old way of doing things with the new but that you shouldn't have such strong opinions that really have no basis in reality against the new technologies available, and it in no way invalidates the 'old' way of doing things.
I'm not against new technology and use it all the time I'm quite a fan of computers and the net, like now we are people all over the world having a discussion, we would not otherwise have "met" and interacted were it not for technology, but there are times and places for it and unfortunately often it is taken to extreme. I don't have a use for facebook (although i do have a profile) the few friends i do have and they are real friends i see regularly and we go out and do something rather than chat online, no we don't need to have an "event" on our facebook page and tick the box to say if we are coming, this is doe more easily over the phone or an email in good time.

I could have and do have contact via technological means with other clubs (going back to the example of the organisation I belong to) but I would not be comfortable with these people or really get to know them as people without actually meeting them regularly.

its understandable for example that in business conference calls must be held, I am for example the UK internet officer for rotaract (the social club organisation) and as the other national officers are dotted around the country we have to hold conference calls in orer to all talk together but this is due to neccesity, we do however make an effort to have an occasional meeting and it was only after the first of these that I started to be able to relate to these people I had not yet met spoken to in conference calls.
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Often it is taken to an extreme
How have you determined this?

You seem to be under the impression that the people that use sites like facebook and twitter use them to the exclusion of external social activity, this is simply put not the case, so your entire stance that this type of technology is being regularly abused is not only baseless it's irrational because it's not supported by real world data. You're griping about a problem that doesn't exist.
I have found that as I learn and begin to implement more of the technology we have at our disposal I am actually becoming more socially interactive with my friends, family and countless other associates around the world than ever before.

Before if I wanted to ask someone about something I had to make phone calls and hope I would catch them. Now I just send them an email and get a response when they have time and all for free. There are countless advantage to the technology we use but I do feel that there are some instances where it can be abused and that abuse does result in some bad side effects.

Its no different than with any other system, device, or substance we use every day. Television is a great benefit for information and entertainment. But its also a great way to spread misinformation and influence people in negative ways as well. Same with the Internet.
If someone becomes a recluse its likely their nature. TV and the Internet where just their method of achieving that level personal isolation.
If neither was available that person would likely have just found some other method to isolate themself from society.

Anything we use can be abused and someone will abuse it at some point in time. Just because one person in 1000 does it doesn't mean everyone does it or that it should now be taken away from the other 999 people either.

Teaching responsibility is what ultimately determines whether something is going to be good and beneficial or bad and detrimental.:)
How have you determined this?

You seem to be under the impression that the people that use sites like facebook and twitter use them to the exclusion of external social activity, this is simply put not the case, so your entire stance that this type of technology is being regularly abused is not only baseless it's irrational because it's not supported by real world data. You're griping about a problem that doesn't exist.

I'm not saying that people use it exsclusively but feel it is often used unecesarily, I haven't forgotten the discussion held on national radio about facebook. a guy phoned in explaining that he turned up to the "wrong" place to celebrate a friends birthday, amazed his friend told him off for not knowing about the change because he had put it on face book !

unbased statements ? me thinks not, naturally there was a whole string of incidents reported on similar lines where people had had "social incidents" becaue other people they were trying to assosiate with couldn't understand what other form of non verbal comunication there could possibly be but facebook !

as it happens I do have a facebook group for my club but do not expect it to be used as a means of comunication or notification. if anything because I know others are not that into it either and like any civilised person use other forms of comunication taking their needs/wishes into consideration. The idea of the group is to help publicies the club and make contact with other clubs on facebook even world wide.
I'm not saying that people use it exclusively but feel it is often used unnecessarily, I haven't forgotten the discussion held on national radio about facebook. a guy phoned in explaining that he turned up to the "wrong" place to celebrate a friends birthday, amazed his friend told him off for not knowing about the change because he had put it on face book !
Isolated incident. ONE example, out of how many hundreds of thousands that happen a day? Let alone in the period which it will take for the next example to post? Millions? Billions?

unbased statements ? me thinks not, naturally there was a whole string of incidents reported on similar lines where people had had "social incidents" becaue other people they were trying to assosiate with couldn't understand what other form of non verbal comunication there could possibly be but facebook !
Based on what, your hearsay or random net articles with no possible way to fact check them?

as it happens I do have a facebook group for my club but do not expect it to be used as a means of comunication or notification. if anything because I know others are not that into it either and like any civilised person use other forms of comunication taking their needs/wishes into consideration. The idea of the group is to help publicies the club and make contact with other clubs on facebook even world wide.
Which means it's not the technology or anything to do with this that is wrong, it's the people that use it right or wrong that are the problem. Good luck removing people as a factor. What makes me defened technology in this respect is that you not once so far have put forward that possibility that it was your group(s) use of the technology that was the problem, not the technology itself. You're just blaming the box.
For starters I would stop running her on 95 RON right away, if you have a proper EK9 they're mapped to run on japanese fuel which is either 100 or 101 RON (Not 100% but I know its up that high). In essence, you're probably doing your engine harm by running it on 95 RON.
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Well I've gone back to 95 octane, I figured the "impeovement" was just a result of the engine cleaning itself out and remapping of the ecu after a proper service it had not seen in years
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