A Little Help Please.

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I have assembled this entire circuit except this one part. I have never seen this symbol before and I know its not a diode. So what is it?**broken link removed**
Looks like R1 could possibly be a potentiometer, and that is the wiper contact.
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Where did you find the diagram? One of us may be able to interpret the description that they hopefully provided.
The R1 component is a potentiometer, but how does that sysmbol incorporate into the design? I have everything wired up except that and Im not sure how to proceed.

The link for the write up is as follows

**broken link removed**.
My best guess is that it is a badly drawn potentiometer in a poorly designed circuit.

My guess is that it bears a strongly resembles the attached drawing taken from an old Forrest M. Mimms III circuits notebook Circa 1982. The part is a potentiometer and yes, the circuit originally posted is poorly drawn. The attached works fine. Sorry the original paper is yellowed.



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