The rubber bands are a higher state of order and a higher state of energy. The ruts are a state of higher order coming from less order, and random energy excitation. Of course you reject these even though they are examples you asked for. You reject them because they prove you are wrong. You claim that the countless changes needed involve insurmountable odds, but you have no proof of these. Research by scientist have shown much more elaborate mechanisms on the molecular scale. They have shown that processes that seem unlikely or involving insurmoutable odds are actually quite probable, when many reactions are taking place. It's analogous to parallel processing, and we see the example of the screws and bolts connecting themselvs, which would seem very unlikely, yet there it is happening right in front of you.That article gives examples of simple objects forming pattern and concludes that it is evolution in motion. I could just as well say that rubber bands tangling up are a lower state of order. The ruts come from the tires pushing the gravel into a pile until it becomes packed enough for the vehicle to drive over. A different weight vehicle or different type of gravel will change the size of the ruts. The wind piles the snow or sand up into a pile until the lee side is sheltered enough so that the wind cannot move it. Further away from the pile the shelter diminishes and the wind can pile up the snow to make another ridge. All these examples are a set of preconditions that are set up to happen. In order for life to form or change radically, countless changes have to occur orderly and correctly against insurmountable odds. It is inconceivable that is going to happen.
Basically, you offer zero proof of any of your statements. They are claims without basis.
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