I know you are only having some fun, but Nikolai is 14 years old and is currently a student. His family, culture, and ties are in Vietnam so that is where he is likely to want to live. Yes, he does chop and change and sometimes gets things out of balance, but he is keen to learn and is way ahead of me at that age.
In those days I too relied on my parents for dosh and went to all sorts of shenanigans to do things on the cheap while still trying to get good quality reproduction from valve amps (no transistors in those days). It is a great shame that I did not know then what I know now because I could have built a fabulous system with the junk I had accumulated. For example a hugely expensive Parmeko ultralinear valve output transformer that was simply being chucked out and a massive mains transformer rescued from some military test equipment.
I also had access to any number of valves, including 6V6GT, KT66, ECC83 etc. But I simply did not know what to do with this stuff, especially as there were no freely available data sheets in those days and the valves were all identified with military CVxxx nomenclature. The only data I had was the Mullard application report for their 5/10 amp. One example is that there was multiple 6.3V winding on my mains transformer and the 5/10 amp only had one and non had the same current rating of the 5/10 data sheet. They were all a lot more. I thought that this extra current would simply burn out the valve heaters or cause some other problems. It was a similar thing with the transformer HT winding too. And I had no idea that CV type valves were actually superior to their commercial equivalents. The 5/10 circuit was labeled with various voltages and currents. I thought that these were absolute and if not spot on the amp would not perform properly and so on.
I even had a nice Stentorian base driver that was also being dumped, and rescued a massive 18 inch speaker from a cinema that was being refitted. But I had no idea how to design a suitable enclosure, although I could have done the woodwork. The Stentorian had an impedance of 16 Ohms, but the output transformer had a 15 Ohm secondary so I thought they were incompatible and would generate gross distortion. If someone could have put me on the right track here and there I would have progressed much better.
So, I say good luck to Nikolai and others in the same position and I for one am only to pleased to help in his endeavors where possible.![]()
Not sure of the point of all that, also what makes you think he swaps and changes his mind? Seems fairly fixed to me and good at sticking to what he wants despite times where others want to change his mind. Being 15 whos side do you think I am on?