Hello Nigel and Tony
Ok let me explain how the ABS light staying on came about.
To start with it was working perfectly fine, but I’ve just had to replace the front struts and springs and in doing so I had to slide the driveshafts out of the hubs and just in case the hub dropped I disconnected the wiring to the wheel sensors.
I also had to replace a window switch and to try the new one out I switched the ignition on and was satisfied the new switch was working ok.
Right back to the struts, I finished fitting the new ones, also putting the driveshafts back into the hubs and reconnecting the wheel sensor wiring, but when I switched the ignition on the ABS warning would not go out.
I’m no expert on wiring hence my coming onto this forum, some time ago on another car I took the airbag off the steering wheel as I had a problem with a light switch stalk.
I switched the ignition on to test the new light switch stalk and found it to be working fine, so I put the airbag etc. back on.
When I turned the ignition on the airbag warning light would not go out.
In the end I had to get a mobile auto electrician to come and look at it for me and he said there was nothing wrong with the airbag but because I’d switched the ignition on whilst the airbag was disconnected the cars’ computer immediately picked it up as a fault.
So, all he had to do was clear the fault, I never did have any further trouble with.
This was some years ago and I know technology has moved on but could the same thing be happening in ABS instance???
I’ve watched one or two youtube videos on testing the wheel sensors off the car with a multimeter and according to them I should get a resistance reading across the two terminals of 1.5 to 1.7KΩ, going on to say if the resistance keeps rising then the sensor is bad.
When I tried it, I did not a reading of any sort and that was on both sensors.
I’ve also spoken to someone else and they said: You can’t test them like that, either with an oscilloscope or by watching the output in measuring blocks using a suitable diagnostic system.
Tony thank you for your explanation, unfortunately most of that went over my head, the car I talking about is a Golf TDi Mk5 and I’ve no idea what type of wheel sensors they have???