--edit-- alec_t, do you think it is okay if I skip to use GTDR? It is to complicated to implement with the circuit. I have no idea how to do it. I mean, the solution that I have right now, it is "good enough" to be an totem-pole?
I made a misstake with the sign at Q2 , so now it works. Do you think this is okay, I know that Q1 and Q2 is not constant, I mean maybe it close enough to operating as a totem-pole?
That looks more plausible, even if unrealistic. The devil would be in the detail of how you could acieve that gate drive arrangement in a practical circuit.
That looks more plausible, even if unrealistic. The devil would be in the detail of how you could acieve that gate drive arrangement in a practical circuit.
Is it strange that the totem-pole do not have so high efficiency (around 54 %)? it is much lower than the boost configuration (90 %).
Could this be due to that the PFC LT1248 that I use is not designed for totem-pole?
Is it possible to use a "correction factor" just to increase the value, so its more reasonable? I read that the totem-pole should have higher efficiency than
the boost . https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slyt718/slyt718.pdf
Sorry, I don't know the answer to either question. As I said, I've no experience with PFC (nor with driving a totem-pole stage configured to assist PFC).
How are you obtaining those efficiency values? As far as I know, LTS computes efficiency as the output/input power ratio, which would seem a different challenge than PFC.
I tried to change these parameters according to the data sheet, but it seems that the output doesn't change at all..Ronsimpson, do you know how I can increase the efficiency for the LT1248 circuit?