Well-Known Member
I do believe the premise was to capture what was happening inside the capacitor. which is not going to be specific to measurable relied upon specificity of currently known standards of electronic terms.
Killivolt, my argument is not about the specifics of what happens inside the capacitor. I have been quite clear about that. My argument has been with Ratchit's sloppy misuse of the global terms CURRENT and THROUGH, given that this is an electronics forum.
Current as a global term is a greater concept than what might be happening to one electron. "Current" must also be given a high importance as a concept and as a flow in a series circuit. Something that can easily be measured, calculated, simulated.
"Through" as a global concept is greater than what may be happening INSIDE a component to a single electron. If a mystery component in a series circuit has 1 amp in and 1 amp out, it satisfies "current through" in enough ways to be respected as true. If it later is discovered that that mystery component was a capacitor it is foolish to then say "oh well, that current we just measured going through the component wasn't going "through" after all".
If you want to know if CURRENT is going THROUGH something, use an ammeter.
Now if Ratchit had used the term "current INSIDE the capacitor" or "electron behaviour inside the capacitor" then I may have let it drop. But to state "There is no current through a X" on an electronics forum, for any type of X, needed to be called out.
Mr Al-
But anyway, let me ask you a question now. What if someone asks you this:
"Mr RB, does current flow through a capacitor?", and you reply, "Yes",
and then they ask you this:
"Mr RB, what is displacement current?".
Are you going to tell them that displacement current is the same thing as conduction current?
They then ask:
"Mr RB, then why do they call it displacement current?".
What do you tell them?
'Does CURRENT flow THROUGH a capacitor?' Yes. 'What is displacement current?' It is a term used for current by people who are overly concerned with what is happening inside a capacitor. 'Are you going to tell them that displacement current is the same thing as conduction current?' No, I'm going to tell them that current THROUGH anything can be measured with an ammeter. Whether it is displaced or conducted is only of relevance in the rare case you might care what is happening to an electron inside a component and might be of interest in physics but has practically zero place in electronics.
I'll take you back to your quote of Prof Viken, here is a man that is intelligent, highly educated and an expert in this field. Note how his reluctance to use the terms CURRENT and THROUGH left him incapacitated, struggling deperately to grasp a word, or words, any words, to describe CURRENT THROUGH. A fundamental concept.
Current through a cap is true. Now current inside a cap? Electron behaviour inside a cap? Well they can be argued over by pedantic people and physicists.