Excuse me for my whitespaces in the electronics theory. Let us consider an amplifier whose input is AC and which is supplied with DC from a battery.
From a thread on another forum (https://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/...C portion of,back to their respective sources. -- the circuit shown there) I have found out that AC flows also through the DC source.
If this is true, can AC affect negatively (like acute damage or service life shortening) the battery? From the answer of Jony130 to the aforementioned thread, AC flows through the DC source only during its negative half-cycle, so I suppose there would not be any problems with the polarity of the battery, but what is with the alternating voltage which could be too high for the battery (but not too high for the amplifier itself)?
I thank You in advance for answers.
Excuse me for my whitespaces in the electronics theory. Let us consider an amplifier whose input is AC and which is supplied with DC from a battery.
From a thread on another forum (https://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/...C portion of,back to their respective sources. -- the circuit shown there) I have found out that AC flows also through the DC source.
If this is true, can AC affect negatively (like acute damage or service life shortening) the battery? From the answer of Jony130 to the aforementioned thread, AC flows through the DC source only during its negative half-cycle, so I suppose there would not be any problems with the polarity of the battery, but what is with the alternating voltage which could be too high for the battery (but not too high for the amplifier itself)?
I thank You in advance for answers.