Active low pass 2nd order sallen key Butterworth and Chebyshev filters: PLEASE HELP

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Hi there guys. I am really stuck and need some major help. As part of something i have to do, one of the things i have to do is to design two filters.

Both have to be second order sallen key active low pass filters.

the first filter should have a Butterworth response and the second a chebyshev response. Both have to have a gain of 4 and both also have to have a cut off frequency of 1.5kHz. A capacitance of 0.1uF(100nF) is given. I have included a diagram at the end of this post that shows my filter setup. USING lm741

I first calculated the values and got the following:

Butterworth filter:



R1= 549.3 ohms

r2=1024.6 ohms

Rf= 6296 ohms

Rg=2098.6 ohms

I simulated above filter using TINA simulation packet and the bode plots were as expected. the gain of the circuit was equal to 4 and the cut-off freq was approximately 1.5kHz




R1= 760.66 ohms

r2=898.66 ohms

Rf= 6639.33 ohms

Rg=2213.33 ohms

I simulated above filter using TINA simulation packet and the bode plots were as expected. the gain of the circuit was equal to 4 and the cut-off freq was approximately 1.5kHz


I then decided to build the circuit and test it. Because of component availibilty I used the following components. Using these components the circuit according to calculations is meant to give me a cut off frequency of 1.43Khz and retain the gain of 4.

Butterworth filter:



R1= 560ohms

r2=1 Kohms

Rf= 6296 ohms

Rg=2099 ohms




R1= 760 ohms

r2=898 ohms

Rf= 6639 ohms

Rg=2213 ohms

Both filters when tested have almost the same gain of 4 which is perfect. The problem comes with the cutt off frequency. They both almost have the same cut off frequency values, which is good. But the cut off frequency is sitting at somewhere between 30 and 40 Khz instead of at 1.43 Khz. Why????????/ Help me please. i have no idea what to do now. I was just using a sinewave of amplitude 1V as a input signal and the output is 4V till about 30Khz where it starts to drop.
**broken link removed**
Your capacitor values are way off.


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Using your circuit and the two lists of values, this what LTspice shows, dosn't look like 40kHz to me, closer to your calc of 1.4K


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So what do you think the problem is????? I really have no idea what i am doing wrong!

I have run some more simulations using LTspice with your circuit, it looks very close to what I would expect.

How are you measuring the inputs and output signals.???

This image is using a 1Hz thru 5kHz sine wave sweep


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hey guys....i actually managed to figure out the problem......completely idiotic actually!!! The caps i was given
were rated at pF instead of nF. Thanks a lot for the suggestions and help It works fine now. By the way
does anyone know how the transfer functions for both these filters would be. I want to model it using LAbview
and MAtlab.

Thanks again
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