Interesting design with diode switches, reminds me of an iq receiver.
I'll bear that in mind if this old rx wont play.
I have some very nice salvaged geranium diodes, to18's I think, like bc108's.
That said running 164kc from my sig gen along a wire next to the ferrite produces a loud 2kc tone, with very little audible interefence, Just experimenting adding a 2kc wide ceramic 455kc filter after the second If, you can tell the audio bandwidth is narrower and a lot of the mush goes away, distorts like mad though on loud stations, I have too much gain in the passband.
Decisions, carry on with this old pile or build new, I'll wait to see how you get on Jed however although this circuit is more complex its 'interesting' an xtal Lo and an If bfo would make a respectable rx, that tracking filter wont be an issue for just one station freq.