Hi again, when I got this $6 DMM, I was a student and it was affordable to me. Currently any bluetooth model DMM is not arrived in Nepal. Nepal's biggest online shop Daraz has nothing about bluetooth DMM. It has been an year that we Nepalese can buy stuff from abroad. Now I am planing to buy a UNI-T's "UT60BT", an amazing $35 auto range bluetooth multimeter. It has amazing CAT III protection of maybe 5 PTCs and 3 MOVs as input protection inside. But more than $40 shipping charge to Nepal is terrific amount to me. Another Owon OW18E is also an amazing $50 bluetooth data logging multimeter in the international market. First problem is shipping again and 2nd one is this particular model has no input MOVs and maybe has just small two PTCs. So, in the future if I got an offer or lower shipping method and if I bought like a OW18E with no input protection, then my hope is to add some MOVs like UT60BT or some amazing Fluke has inside. Trying to learn something from the practice. I could use mosquito swatter high voltage generator and in my school, where I teach has an OWON oscilloscope, so I have a hope to see clamping waveform on my $6 DMM. I can experiment on it because it is pretty old, cheap and has less features than modern one.