Adjusting phase

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New Member
Hey guys. I have a sine wave oscillating at about 100 kHz. I need to adjust the phase of this signal till I can find the optimum phase for my project. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks
Can you be more specific. Adjusting phase implies you are comparing it to some other signal. (or do you mean duty cycle)
Can you be more specific. Adjusting phase implies you are comparing it to some other signal. (or do you mean duty cycle)

Yep, I'm comparing it with another signal. Pretty much trying to have the same phase for these two signals.
Yep, I'm comparing it with another signal. Pretty much trying to have the same phase for these two signals.
Unless the two signals are from the same source they will not be of identical frequency and will drift in and out of phase, independent of any adjustments you may do.
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