Advice on a strip of light with chase

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New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some suggestions on a lighting project. I have a server room where we've installed several enclosed covered tracks running into wall mounted racks. The tracks are about 7 inches wide and flat on the top.

We trying to put a two strips of light on the face of each track. One that would chase into the rack, and one that would chase out of the rack, giving the layman the suggestion that data is moving in and out.

I've seen a product named Light Tape, which is basically the type of lighting we're looking for, that is, flat and luminescent like neon (not many LED's in a line). However, there is no chasing effect on this product.

I thought maybe I could use LED's and put a cover over it to diffuse the light. This might blur the impression that there are many bulbs beneath, but I'm not sure about that. At least a strip of LED lights could chase.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Steve Gravley
St. Paul, MN
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