I'm in the UK, there is no shipping charge on the item I posted, and they're pennies each.Why are you buying no-name-brand way over-priced junk from China? Did you see the shipping charge? They do not have 8.2 ohms anyway.
At my local electronic parts store they have the needed 8.2 ohms, are good quality and cost almost nothing.
You do not need 1% or metal film. Instead 5% and 1W carbon film are fine and cost less.
The reason I'm buying no-name brand is because I'm clueless and don't know what brands are worth buying.
The reason I'm buying on Ebay is that I don't have a local shop that will stock specialty items that I've linked to.
I've found these, and will order now.

1W Carbon Film Resistors Full range available (10 pack) 0.33R-2.2M Free P&P | eBay
Rated power: 1W. Resistor type: carbon film fixed value. Body length: 10mm. Overall length (with pins): 63mm.
Is there a specific name for the type of wiring I should use, and where on the circuit I should solder the resistors, so that I can google a diagram?