Aiwa AV-D67 Receiver going into protection mode?

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I have a Aiwa AV-D67 Receiver that keeps going into protection mode I believe. It will stay on for a few seconds and then shut down. I have tried a few different speakers and even keeping the volume low but it still just shuts down after a few seconds. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Thanks for any help.
Hellow guys

If I remember Aiwa had a mayor recall on there units, some kind of law suit due to a defect. this was issued here in the States a couple years ago.
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You place a CD in the player, and it spins for a bit but never finds the list of tracks on the CD and returns some kind of error. This problem may occur regularly or intermittently.

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It is a lower end receiver so I would have to guess it uses a chip and not a discrete amplifier. Just a guess. The receiver only cost around $200 brand new.
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