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all terrain vehicle

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These are good if you can find them It will go all most any where and you can change the gears for more toque
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This one can cross water and land.
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You guys need to get together with a fabrication forum, theyre always like "I made these kick ass tracks and suspension, but how do I make the electronics to drive them around?"

by the way, if you want to do what be80be mentioned, they have a lot of toys with parts like that at goodwills, salvation armies and other thrift stores. Its not related but I hate the misconception some people have that when you buy from them you are partaking of the charity rather than giving to it. They sell stuff and use the money to employ people, they want as many people as possible to buy that stuff.
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for the shaft on a treaded vehicle I don't think you would want to, usually the wheels on one side move at about the same speed and for a small one the differential would be more complicated than its worth, while for opposite sides they are completely independant because driving the two treads separately is how you steer a tank drive vechicle, infact I think thats what people usually mean when they say "tank drive". For wheels you can certainly use a differential, its done all the time, you can buy them in all sizes. If your talking about to split drive torque between land and water propulsion, I'm not sure how that would work, it seems like you would mostly use one or the other.
You absolutely do not want a differential gearbox if you are climbing things. Having a differential means smoother steering, but also means that losing traction on one wheel means losing all torque (and getting stuck).

But if you mean differential steering (different wheel direction on both sides) that is actually preferable since it means you can turn on the spot. But this can difficult and requires a lot of parts if you use a suspension system though for your wheels since you need something like the Jeep Hurricane and not a regular trucks (which only have one driveshaft so all wheels must spin in the same direction). This is one part where tracks are better (climb better, steer better on rough ground with fewer parts).
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Sorry guys but the military figured out a all Terran water/land/air mobile system platform that can even carry a payload and shoot a weapon accurately along time ago!

Its cheap, mass produced, comes in countless sizes and colors, and can even take voice commands directly or by remote and often in multiple languages too!

With the right accessories its bullet resistant and can run for days without recharging!

All analog based and even tested and found to be animal friendly!;)

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Sorry guys but the military figured out a all Terran water/land/air mobile system platform that can even carry a payload and shoot a weapon accurately along time ago!

Its cheap, mass produced, comes in countless sizes and colors, and can even take voice commands directly or by remote and often in multiple languages too!

With the right accessories its bullet resistant and can run for days without recharging!

All analog based and even tested and found to be animal friendly!;)

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Some might take offense to that. THe rest is true though...except for the air part and some of the water part. I've yet to see a person fly without a plane, or swim with all that gear.
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It is offensive, but its true, and if it didnt make sense from a purely economic standpoit we would have 140,000 robots and 2000 humans in iraq instead of the other way around.
It is offensive, but its true, and if it didnt make sense from a purely economic standpoit we would have 140,000 robots and 2000 humans in iraq instead of the other way around.

Then why is losing a soldier so bad? It's not that they're cheaper as much as it is that they can take care of themselves well enough that it pays off. The reason we don't have more robots over there is because they would all get their ass kicked by humans.
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I wasn't saying it was moral, and humans are cheaper if you're talking about a robot with comperable performance. just developing the batteries to make a robot do as much between charges as a person can between rest would cost atleast tens of billions of dollars. And those wouldent even be the hard part.
I've yet to see a person fly without a plane, or swim with all that gear.
Thats what the accessory packages are for!:p

Really the field soldier is completely obsolete in most cases. Modern remote controlled weaponry is far more deadly and can be controlled from thousands of miles away. The enemy cant fight with someone that is not actually there! ;)

Policing with humans is a waist of time and money. Its just there to put a face on war and give the anti war people a 'moral feel good' about what is really going on. :(

We have the capability to destroy entire cities from hundreds of miles away without a single American soldier getting harmed. Its a very practical, very quick, and cost effective way of warfare but it causes the problem of ethics and morals with some people who dont feel warfare should be so simple and effective. :(

Why spend billions policing a city when for a few million you can erase it and every trouble maker there. War is not about feel good politics its about the group with the biggest and most powerful weapons getting their way right or wrong.

Mass destruction warfare raises the innocent by stander and civilian casualty issue. However if you knew that the nuts in charge of your country are going to get you killed at some point rather soon even the poorest and most primitive masses will stand up and take control if enough of their lives depend on it.
That is a proven historical fact.

Given a big enough motivational reason anyone will start to take charge of their own lives and responsibilities. America is just starting to find out what sitting by and letting others run things did for them and we dont like it!
If it became obvious to everyone that take control of your life and country or soon be killed by some faceless entity countless miles away there would be some very drastic changes made real fast! :eek:

I hate war and find it stupid. But it also is a fact of human life. I just believe in if you have to do horrible things to survive do it quickly and be done with it. Dont drag it out to make it look morally and ethically justifiable. That just hurts both parties in the long run. :mad:
Heres what I see as the flaw in your logic

If it became obvious to everyone...

Just cause something is true doesn't mean its obvious to everyone, the Chinese, N.Korean, Iranian and many other governments have a lot of their people believing all kinds of things.
I should perhaps elaborate on that a bit.
anyone can be under a false sense of security placed there by their own government. However if one major city in your home country just got leveled and your ever so honest government and its military they claim is so superior to everyone else's just rolled over and played dumb to it would you still believe they were so great and had your best interests in mind?

What if it happened to two cities? And you found out it was done with only a half dozen people and two standard issue air craft from some other country you felt so superior to that did it?
And if you dont want it to continue happening you had better get the nuts out of your government that are pissing off the people that are so effortlessly wiping you out on your own insane governments behalf?:(

Ask Japan how that one played out. They have had first hand experience with similar events. :(

And I am not saying its right to do it even if we have the means to do so with such little effort. Our own admittance and public knowledge of it is why we dont do it. But ultimately it could some day still happen again.:(
And next time it could be millions that die before they collectively wake up and see what their own insane leaders actions are doing to them.:mad:
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Well, they could lie, they would say that they had wiped out even more of the enemies cites, and that without them it would be much worse. I seem to recall a would be dictator whos country was stricken by a devastating surpirise attack by a small force, and even though his country had never been attacked on its own land in the last 200 years, he managed to gain power by making people more affraid and saying that only he could defend them, but they had to give him more power.

But thats all beside the point, if we were willing to kill millions of bystanders to get our way we would no longer be "defending freedom" by defending ourselves.
I'm sorry, what were we talking about again? :D

I think tracked is a great idea for all terrain on land. If possible, I would ditch the requirement for water.

Otherwise, if you must float on water & drive over rough terrain, how about giant baloon tires that allow the vehicle to float?

Here's an all terrain vehicle that is also a boat. Has been around for ages (I played with a toy of one as a kid 30 years ago)

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It's called an ARGO. Amphibious Vehicles - Amphibious ARGO ATV, ARGO AATV, ARGO All Terrain Vehicle

Hope this helps inspire you! :)

I can't remember where I saw this, but I doubt I came up with it. I think a machine built like two bikes with an arch connecting them might work well, besides the wheels it would only need to be able to tilt the "bikes" forward and back. This would not simply drive over stuff like a tank but would have to negotiate the terrian, either by RC or very good AI, but it would potentially work pretty well I think. Maybe I'll sketch it up or even prototype a small one since RCs are currently my thing, and show you what I mean. I still think theres a toy or bomb robot out there already that works like this.
I can't remember where I saw this, but I doubt I came up with it. I think a machine built like two bikes with an arch connecting them might work well, besides the wheels it would only need to be able to tilt the "bikes" forward and back. This would not simply drive over stuff like a tank but would have to negotiate the terrian, either by RC or very good AI, but it would potentially work pretty well I think. Maybe I'll sketch it up or even prototype a small one since RCs are currently my thing, and show you what I mean. I still think theres a toy or bomb robot out there already that works like this.

Are you talking about suspension arm systems for wheels? Such as those used on the Mars Rover and Shrimp robots?
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robot power the problem

I was wondering if anybogy else has seen the robotic dog on utube by boston dynamics and funded by Darpa? It is a magnificent effort, but it seems to me that robots are going to be limited by the power supply? There was another video of a mule jumping in a lab. but one can see from ther heavy dc power lines, that it is going to be a long time before these things become useful. Do you agree?
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