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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Alternate Mini ETO Down Time Site?

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member

Would it be possible to create a small mini site on another server with a message board where members could gather and ask about what happened to the main server?

Another site i used to visit had this set up and it was nice because you could go there and find out what happened to the main server and approximately when it would be back up.
It's only to be used when the main server is down.

An alternate to this could be emails that go out to members that briefly describe what happened and maybe when to expect it to be back up again.

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Hi EM,

Oh yeah i guess that would work :)

How would we get the information then? I havent actually used twitter yet so im not sure how that works.
I do not have a twitter account, and I do not plan to get one, personally :p

I would definitely prefer an email, and I think just about everyone here must have an email account. That may be more effective than any social networking site.

Just my two cents :D

Good to have the site back, EM!

Would it be possible to create a small mini site on another server with a message board where members could gather and ask about what happened to the main server?

Another site i used to visit had this set up and it was nice because you could go there and find out what happened to the main server and approximately when it would be back up.
It's only to be used when the main server is down.

An alternate to this could be emails that go out to members that briefly describe what happened and maybe when to expect it to be back up again.


You could also try addiction counceling. :p

At this point whatever works for EM would be nice, but yes, email would be nicer. It could be an auto generation too i guess, just to let us know the government (any gov that is) didnt shut down the internet yet in some required area :)

I tried addiction counseling, no help there even after doubling my medicine and halving my intake of coffee :)
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I do not have a twitter account, and I do not plan to get one, personally
Me neither.
I'm with tcmtech... there are often times problems that are created through perception. I personally didn't even realize the site was having problems, I was spending some time with my wife trying to see if the baby would kick my hand =>

Nothing related to communication can ever be 100% available, if you don't have something better to do with your time this is probably a good indication that there IS something better you need to be doing with your time.
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I'm with tcmtech... there are often times problems that are created through perception. I personally didn't even realize the site was having problems, I was spending some time with my wife trying to see if the baby would kick my hand =>

Nothing related to communication can ever be 100% available, if you don't have something better to do with your time this is probably a good indication that there IS something better you need to be doing with your time.

Did it ever occur to you that some of us might not have wives with children on the way, and that our lives might consist of helping others with electronics here online?
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Certainly DerStrom, the thought occurred to me most immediately, the implication of my previous post is that perhaps there is something else more important to do with the time that is spent here. I use ETO in bursts, often for only 5-10 minutes a day, but I'll spend odd weekends the whole day on posts, if it goes down regardless of how in depth I was that day on posts there damn well better be something I can find to do rather than pining over the site being down (no offense meant to others)

tcmtech may have seemed like he was joking about the addiction counselling but it's a very real problem for a lot of people that aren't even aware of it.
Sceadwain, what is not important to you can still be important to other people. Some members stay on here for hours, and this even more so for things like chat.

With regards to twitter, I too have never actually used it either but people do tend toward this service for downtime notifications - but how would people know to goto it when the site is down.. Emailing members could work but if there is a major issue with the server then I wouldn't be able to send any. Maybe the chat service should be kept on a different server so that is always available?

Please stay on topic of alternative solutions for when ETO goes down. Not whether its important to have a solution or not to have one.

ET0, I believe my point is to question, I'm not trying to apply my thinking to others, what I think is of course irrelevant to anyone else! My statement(s) were to encourage others to think for themselves what they could be doing to better themselves especially if they're awaiting information from a trusted source, and perhaps attempting to understand what trusted source means. It is very on topic for what to do when ETO is not available.
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Well when I cant access ETO for extended periods of time I just assume that I got a temporary banning for something I said or something someone misinterpreted and complained about. :p

And yes I certainly think more than just a few are addicted to this site! :eek:

I have to argue about the term being used repeatedly here, "addiction".

It seems that everything these days is being called an "addiction". Are we addicted to food? Are we addicted to water? Those are necessities.

Are we addicted to the web? These days the web is almost a necessity.

Also, i dont believe that everything we happen to 'like' in life should be called an 'addiction', such as ETO. Just because we like ETO and we want to know what is going on when we cant get through to the site doesnt mean we're really addicted.
If we go to a soda machine and put some money in and it malfunctions and we want to know why even though we have water at home, are we addicted to soda, or do we just prefer soda over water? Water might even be 'better' for you, but that's not how every person on earth lives their life. We like soda, so we drink soda. It's a personal choice, not a law. We like ETO, so we go to ETO, and wonder what happened if we cant reach the site when most other days we can.

The other site i talked about uses a separate server for the back up mini site, and they specify that it should not be used when the main server is up and running, but only to find out what might be wrong in case of trouble reaching the main site.
In that case they use a simpler message board where members can discuss what might be wrong, but even a simpler site with just a simple message like, "ETO is down and im working on the problem, estimated time about 2 hours", would be really nice, even without the ability to reply. Right?
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Why would it be nice MrAl? Just find something else to do for a few hours, if it's not up then give it up for the day and find something else to do until it is back up. If it's down for a few days then you might want to try finding out what's going on but it's really not that important overall.

You don't seem to have a concept of what addiction means. You can be addicted to ANYTHING, drugs, alcohol, food, water, sex, the Internet included. The psychological responses are the same for all of them even if the physiological responses aren't.

As EM pointed out, you're confusing 'finding something else to do' with 'finding out what is up with (down) ETO'. You dont have to do one or the other exclusively, you can do BOTH. For one thing, if ETO is down and you cant get to it then you dont have a choice anyway, you have to find something else to do. But if you also know or have some idea when it will be back up again that would be nice too.

We'll have to start an ETO addicts club then :)

Seriously, even if there is some addiction somewhere it only matters if it does harm to the individual. Most addictions do harm to the individual, but some dont or dont matter as much depending on the person, demographics, etc., and what it actually *is* in the first place. Addicted to water? Drink up, just dont drown yourself :)
I vote for email. It would have been nice to be able to tell somebody that I could not get my fix of ETO:)
I second that vote :)
Hi again,

Great! I hope this goes into effect sometime soon.
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