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American presidential Election

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I think it will be more blaming it on Bush for the next four years. Really don't expect any major improvements. Hoping that the 'financial crisis' will magically disappear, now that the elections are over.
Except with the rules of the Senate, where you need 60 votes to actually move bills through, the Dems can't just force their will against the Reps. So they will still have an excuse to blame their opposition party for failures to keep election promises.


I believe that 60 rule is in regard to cutting off filabuster. A typical law can be passed by simple majority.
Presidential candidates promise things they can not accomplish without congressional backing.

It would have been interesting to see how many people would have voted "non of the above, I want a new election without these candidates" if they had such a choice.

EDIT: I for one have not given up on the country, just the two party system.

well yes its a shame that the election is virtually between two parties but others do not have enough popular votes!
This is a chicken and egg thing. As long as there is a party system what you say will be true. The answer is to do away with political parties.

Actually, George Washington (our first president for those of you not totally familiar with US history), advised in his Farewell Address that we not get into the two party system, citing basically the same problems we face today. Of course, we paid no attention.

My quick search of Google turned up no major country that doesn't have some sort of party system, either the one-party form like in Russia and China, the multi-party system favored in Europe, or ours. Apparently, we humans prefer to hang together. (pun intended)
Chowder head. Say hay! to Gomer for me...

Let me say this: I may live in Missouri, but I am not from here.

Mike, I challenge you to research the Communist Manifesto and then tell me how many points in that document we are now living under, and then compare Obama's speach points with that same document.

[qoute=JFK]Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.[/quote] Revised by Obama: Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.

History has shown that when a free people figure out that they can vote themselves bread and circuses, they invariably do.

Bigger Gov ? They think they can solve this mess ?

I really do wish the Democrats find them self's with a 60 vote majority. Then when bigger government finds out they don't have the answer to our problems.

Maybe Local communities and regular people will finally take responsibility and solve it.

I ask where are our mentors ? In society.

Kids have a tribal mentality. The Gangster mentality is pervasive in our society.

How do you encourage a healthy desire for education within our pubic school systems. They won't and parents wont' let kids learn consequences of their decisions. We need to stop babysitting them and start teaching them.

Today’s generation is too busy thinking of themselves. Self absorption has caused a sensory loss of what really matters. I suspect the fall of the Nation will be the only thing that brings back what is important, like family and our fellow neighbor. I hate to say that, but with a decline of concern for your neighbor also come a decline of a society.

Prejudice, arrogance, and self centeredness seem to be the hallmark of our Nation, and it is of no wonder why we carry the title of Ugly American.

My Grandfathers fought in WWII so that I could have a better life. I am sure they would be disappointed in how selfish we have become. I am often ashamed at the behavior of my fellow Americans. Racist comments like "Welcome to the ISSA!"
show how little we have learned after 200 plus years.
How do you encourage a healthy desire for education within our pubic school systems. They won't and parents wont' let kids learn consequences of their decisions. We need to stop babysitting them and start teaching them.


That all starts in the home. parents need to take responsibility for their own actions, and teach their children the same. Personally, I grew up through the '60s, and all around me I saw people taking less and less responsibility and teaching their kids that "it's not your fault". To that I say bull pucky!! My parents didn't raise me that way.

Life, as in physics, follows Newton's 2nd law (i think it's that one) "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". The same thing can be said about personal actions.....there will always be a consequence for everything you do.

We as a nation need to learn this, but unfortunately, it will have to be learned the hard way.

@ mikebits....The comment was not intended to be racist. I was only trying to point out a possible result of as you say "the decline of our society"
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I won't say Socialism. But I will say society needs to turn to something that is basic as what goes up must come down mentality.

A Basic Social Mentality lost that needs to be regained.

Basic statements of Truth.

See a penny pick it up ? the only people I see doing it is old people looking for luck.

A penny saved is a penny earned ? It's not worth enough for us to carry around anymore so we give them away.

Calculate a Penny of interest Compounded in 30 days = $5,368,709.12 million.

Just simple rules of logic to live by starting with basic survival and build it from there.

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic.

Especially Math. It should be the core then branch it into the sciences. Make it relevant and apply it to the existence of Matter Thermodynamics. How does it apply to something as simple as cooking or Photosynthesis.

We spend billions upon billions to do things that are not relevant. But when it comes to education we should be much more and then spend the time learning how to Teach effectively without boring the 80 percent of the slave majority to Death. And spend more time on those who do get it easily and give them incentive go grow no matter where they live or who's Mother gave them life.

Keeping them ignorant saves lives. History shows to truly educate the slave majority will cost you power and influence. Which may turn on those who wish to control them. They are much to afraid of the General Population to let that happen.

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Time for "President Hussein" to put up or shut up. This is going to get very interesting in the next few years....cause I don't think he can do it!
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