amping a photodiode help

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They are not in parallel.
The schematic blachbunny posted showing 3 amps does show the diodes to be in parallel.
Notice he said,
u mean something like this?
That was his idea of how they should be connected. The datasheet he linked to clearly says the three diodes have a common anode connection, with the cathodes on separate pins.
Notice also what I said:

I indicated what I was talking about. I wasn't speaking about the datasheet. But no problem.
I misinterpreted the datasheet. The part is common cathode, as you stated.
Are you going to use AVCC, or the internal 1.1V reference, for the A/D?
OK, here's a place to start. You will have to play with the feedback resistor and capacitor. I have a feeling the resistor value may need to be in the megohms.
CAVEAT: I have never used the ATmega88, the LTC6082, or your photodiode.
But it's better than what you have now.


  • photodiode amp.PNG
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I'm working on a similar project. The components I'm using are as follows:

**broken link removed**

The results I'm getting with the solution posted here are sorta like on off (Any light at all and the output goes low. With no light the output goes high. Very hard to reach a happy medium). I have a feeling it has to do with the resistor and capacitor in the feedback?

I'm wondering how I should go about selecting the proper resistor/capacitor combination?

Thanks in advance!
Reduce the value of the feedback resistor to make the circuit less sensitive to light.
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