An electronic dictionary

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New Member
Hi. I'm a japanese language student and a former chemical engineer. I know only a little of electronics, and some programming.

I was wondering if I could make a Japanese language electronic dictionary myself? Is there a schematic available that I can follow?

I have a dictionary of electronics, written by Rudolf Graf and published by Howard W. Sams & Co. It is probably out of print because it is dated 1970. The Library of Congress Catalog Card Number is: 68-13873.

Another book is Glossary of Communications by Emerson C. Smith, copyright 1971, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 70-169786.

You would need permission of the copyright owner to use these books.
Er, sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I wanted to make by myself those little handheld dictionaries, the kind you use when you're studying a foreign language and want to look up a word.
I know only a little of electronics, and some programming.
Still you want to make a dictionary which some company's sell as their product, gr8 ambition!!!
Lets start from the basic
You need to have following basic component for your dictionary
LCD display,
Memory to store words and their meaning
To interface all of the above obviously you will require a microprocessor/microcontroller
What kind of microcontroller you are familiar with?
I live in the Philippines you see. And most folks here are learning Japanese to get better jobs. Unless your folks are rich, no way can you afford wordtank and the like.

I thought I'd have to make the microprocessor myself. Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction. Once I study about it some more I may be able to ask more informed questions.

Thanks again for your kindness and encouragement.
Also, to go a slightly easier route, if you can afford it, get a PDA (prefferably from Palm), download a database program, and log all of your Electronics terms in a Database. I have a Palm Zire 21 which came with a database program in the package.

This would be far easier than constructing an entirely new E-Dictionary for electronics terms, and you'll also have all the other helpful features of a PDA. try or another electronics store for PDAs.
Is there a different way than grouping words together and retrieving these groups when matching words are found? How would the entered word be searched for? Are there different methods for different languages? I may start a related post about an English dictionary.

It seems as though information related to this type of dictionary could be stored on a relatively inexpensive chip and then soldered in a relatively simple kit. I don't know how profitable this would be - or what market would be involved.
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