Another Crazy Sailing Idea

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Ok, so I'm putting the outrigger idea on the back burner for now. My vacation starts in just a couple days. I'm planning on spending most of the time on my sailboat at the Tennessee River. The challenge is staying cool enough, especially as we are experiencing a heat wave righ now. So, I'm proposing to quickly cobble together a misting system. It would consist of a number of those mist nozzled which are piped to a submersible "sump pump" that I'll use to take up lake water for the system. I was thinking about affixing the mist nozzled and pipe to a simple rectangular frame that I'll make by taking a piece of thin guage pipe and bending 4 90 degree corners. Then I want to mount it horizonally, so that it encompasses the cockpit, and allows for me to surround myself with the misters.

Shoot! I only have a few days. Wish I thought about this earlier!
I'm not familiar with the nozzles but if you are using lake water I would expect you'll need some good filtration.
yeah probably. I looked at some micro plant misters @ Home Depot today. I might use them, or I might just punch a bunch of tiny holes in a hose.

I read somewhere that they have found Bull Sharks as far as the Tennessee River they've been known to go up stream as far as 250mi or more.

Is that a true or just media Hype.

I read somewhere that they have found Bull Sharks as far as the Tennessee River they've been known to go up stream as far as 250mi or more.

Haven't heard that. I've heard sharks sometimes swim upriver, but never this far up.
Haven't heard that. I've heard sharks sometimes swim upriver, but never this far up.

I think just hype I was googling but it rendered results more for Mississippi and close to the gulf.

But, what it was is just confusion on the shark who found himself near around the mouth and swam up it and because of the hurricanes and excess water the locks were opened to release water to prevent overflow and it swam further once this far up is now stuck and eventually begins to suffer The cold water and the lake of trace elements in the Mississippi River water were taking their toll upon the creature.

Hi Brownout,

here is a design not requiring filtering which works well in my house.

Use fabrik mesh arranged in a zig-zag pattern for largest and most effective surface of the mesh.

An aquarium pump capable of 150-300l/hr will suffice for effective cooling.

The mesh has to be dipped in a bowl of water beeing filled by the pump with an overflow opening slightly elevated to feed excessive water back to the tank. Capillar force will make the entire mesh soak with water which evaporates in the air stream.

Use a fan capable of 1,000 (50cft/m) to 3,000 (150cft/m) cubikmeters of air flow per hour. The mesh shouldn't be tighter than 0.15inches because of higher air flow losses due to increased resistance.

Besides cooling the air effectively that device also takes care of cleaning the air, and has the advantage of no messing around with clogged up spray nozzles.




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Thanks for your detailed suggestion, Boncuk. When I lived in the desert Southwest, we used a very similar system to cool our homes.

Vacation starts in 2 days! I've got to get something together quick!
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