I bought an antenna amp from Radio Shack last summer. It pretty much doubled the signal strength.
Today I rebuilt my antenna. HALF of the antenna is a UHF antenna. The other HALF is the bow tie antenna is also basically a UHF antenna too. I used this web site
Amateur Dipole Antenna Calculator to calculate the length of each leg and each element for channel 2, 4, 5 and 8 and changed only the bow tie antenna. The antenna has 8 elements so I changed it so it now has 2 elements for each frequency. The change has made a 45% improvement in VHF but UHF has dropped about 30%. VHF channel 5 has always been the hardest station to received signal went from 50% to 90% today after the change. Now I am receiving channel 5 excellent. The local stations 2, 4 and 5-1 don't have much worth watching. But channel 5-3 has non stop movies with NO advertisements. Channel 8 has Nova, discovery, Master Piece Theater, Master Piece Mystery, History Detectives, and several others but signal has dropped from 95% to 65%. Channel 17-1, 28-1, 28-3 and 30-1 have movies too, signal has dropped from 98% to 65%. The change I made today improved channel 5 and screwed up 8, 17, 28 and 30.
Now I need to make another change to get 8, 17, 28 and 30 back up to about 95% strength. I change I made today has caused me to lost 1/2 of my UHF antenna and given me a VHF antenna I never had.
This is what I have now.
Antenna #1 pointed 310 degrees.
16 legs = 11", 8 elements = 22.5" long. Channel 17, 28, 30 Signal 60 to 65%......was 98%
Antenna #2 pointed 320 degrees.
Element 1 and 2 = 204" long Channel 2 Signal strength 98%
Element 3 and 4 = 168" long Channel 4 Signal strength 98%
Element 5 and 6 = 146" long Channel 5 Signal strength 98%
Element 7 and 8 = 62" long Channel 8 Signal strength 65%
Antenna Photo
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Close up view.
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According to
www.antennaweb.org OOPS. Antenna web information has changed. Information I wrote down last summer is different than what is listed now.
Channels 5, 17, 28, 30 are at 322 degrees.
Channel 4 is at 305 degrees.
Channels 2, 8 are at 295 degrees.
The half way point is about 310 degrees but reception is better at 320 degrees probably because reception is always low on channel 5 so antenna needs to be pointed right at channel 5. This gets channel 2, 4, 5 excellent reception, strength meter reading is 98% but reception is 65% on channel 8.