OK, I found some enthusiasm
Using an antenna analyser, read about it here:
Vector Impedance Antenna Analyzer AIM4170
I did some scans of a couple of antennas, a dipole made from 19inch long hook-up wire, and a groundplane antenna (a monopole) made up using 19inch lengths of steel rod.
The dipole.
With the dipole and the antenna analyser just laying on my desk, I got the result as shown in the attachment below.
The legs of the dipole were 19inches long, this should give a resonant frequency around 145Mhz, in reality it was showing multiple resonances around 137Mhz due to the effect of the desk.
Picking the analyser up in may hand and holding it clear of the desk and other stuff, I got a totally different picture.
The general apperance was much more what would be expected from a crude dipole, the resonant frequency was higher than expected, and much higher than when on the desk.
Using an antenna analyser, read about it here:
Vector Impedance Antenna Analyzer AIM4170
I did some scans of a couple of antennas, a dipole made from 19inch long hook-up wire, and a groundplane antenna (a monopole) made up using 19inch lengths of steel rod.
The dipole.
With the dipole and the antenna analyser just laying on my desk, I got the result as shown in the attachment below.
The legs of the dipole were 19inches long, this should give a resonant frequency around 145Mhz, in reality it was showing multiple resonances around 137Mhz due to the effect of the desk.
Picking the analyser up in may hand and holding it clear of the desk and other stuff, I got a totally different picture.
The general apperance was much more what would be expected from a crude dipole, the resonant frequency was higher than expected, and much higher than when on the desk.