I try to share at many levels, from rudimentary to advanced in order to stimulate questions, not for any other reason. I have nothing to prove except my advice when misunderstood.
It takes a special expert to recognize another, because of a common pain to learn this expertise and decades of 80 hr weeks unless one is brilliant as many of my colleagues were, but I was not.
I can recall many times in my 1st job trying to design things well beyond my experience and I would have paid dearly to learn fast-track from the resources avail. Now. Never put down anyone intentionally, and I learned to understand humour with humility. I even make Murphy's Law errors.
It takes a special expert to recognize another, because of a common pain to learn this expertise and decades of 80 hr weeks unless one is brilliant as many of my colleagues were, but I was not.
I can recall many times in my 1st job trying to design things well beyond my experience and I would have paid dearly to learn fast-track from the resources avail. Now. Never put down anyone intentionally, and I learned to understand humour with humility. I even make Murphy's Law errors.
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