Anyone there please help me on my design

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I doing my design project. and i having a trouble with it ...seems that i have the idea but to create it took lot of design is
I have a dynamo that can create an AC output 12V. and from the 12v , i wanted it to step up by an step up power supply. From there(Power supply) i need to stabilize the Input voltages because the dynamo varies because of the effect from the speed rotation of the dynamo.
so anyone please help me to create the schematic diagram for me..
There was a joke, in lighter vein.
Some one advertised that his Stabilizer has a spec with input 0V to 260V AC 50Hz, and output 230V 50Hz, and load of "X" amps.
The person purchasing came and asked them. "It is Fine, show me with "0V" input and 230 V output and i want many units."

Please do understand that what you want is reasonable wattage from the unit even with all the stabilization-( i fear, as the speed varies, voltage changes, so becoming input "anything from 0" and output say 20 V. ).

As the input reduces ( to a limited point and not like "0"), the output would come but can't deliver the load.

In such a design perhaps, you need a standby support of a battery also.
I would suggest that your concept should be logical as Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
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The purpose of the step up power supply with voltage stabilizer

The purpose of that design was, to create small voltage output that is stepped up from the small input AC. in this case i have 12V dynamo that i wanted to step up to the highest it could be. I did go to the shop and as them to create this circuit. the best they can get is 24V - 26V (that what they say)
so anyone that knows how to create the circuit for i think that is good enough to guide my self to create this circuit.

Parts that i use is
12V dynamo

all i need is Step up power supply circuit with its Voltage stabilizer.

You didn't mention the current rating of your dynamo. This is a critical factor in the outcome of your project, in that any step-up in voltage will have a corresponding decrease in current. Theoretically, you could increase voltage to a point where there is not enough current to perform work.

I suspect that the estimates of your shop are probably the best you can expect.

Edit: typo
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Step up power supply with voltage stabilizer.

Yes u r right ...that is the best i can get. so anyone there ...please can someone design me the circuit....?
Yes u r right ...that is the best i can get. so anyone there ...please can someone design me the circuit....?

See whether MC34063A (data sheet attached) works to your needs, in boost DC to Dc converter mode.
I expect the dynamo to give you DC output, otherwise you need to rectify and filter it


  • mc33063a.pdf
    391.5 KB · Views: 374
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its help a bit...but can u create me the circuit ? Step up power supply included with voltage stabilizer....
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