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what type of PIC have 16 bits.if using PIC16F84A izit no enough space to store in have 4 channel(forward,backward,left,right)...tomorrow i'll post the schematics.but it is using PIC16F84A...thanks first for you help.

I have not seen the schematic. Can you upgrade to a better processor? Have you defined everything the car is supposed to do?

EDIT: How much time do you have to do this project. When is it due ?
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schematics car

3v0 sorry,i forgot post shematics...i post now,but not very can check see got any mistake or problem with my circuit...Thank you very much in advance to all you guys.


  • PIC16F84A&PT2272receiver1.JPG
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  • PT2262 transmitter.JPG
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  • H-bridge motor.JPG
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3v0 sorry,i forgot post shematics...i post now,but not very can check see got any mistake or problem with my circuit...Thank you very much in advance to all you guys.

I do not know what a PT2272 or PT2262 is.

You are going to want to start using a computer program to draw schematics. That will make them easier to read. For now take care to write clearly.

Are you stuck with the 16F84?

Are the 3 lines coming out of the reciever PWM? Are all three proportional?
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sorry 3v0,i given some wrong information.i post the new one..


  • H-bridge motor1.JPG
    19.2 KB · Views: 137
  • PT2262 transmitter1.JPG
    22.1 KB · Views: 156
  • PIC16F84A&PT2272receiver11.JPG
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PT2262 and PT2272 are pairs of receiver and transmitter.ya..i'm stuck with thePIC cz i don't how to write the program make it do the same work(using remote control and then control it move to 1 track or 1 round.when i press a switch ,it will follow back the previous track that i control without controlling by user.)
what's mean by 3 lines coming out of the reciever PWM? Are all three proportional?izit you mean the 3 circuit on the receiver connect together or what?
The second picture shows a box marked transmitter and and PT22XX part. That does not seem right if they are the same part.

What PIC programmer do you have. You are not going to be able to do this with a 16F84.

Read up on PWM

Some remote control cars move the steering in proportion to how far you move the lever on the xmitter box. Others only have 3 choices left, straight, and right. The first example is proportional the second is not.
Totally of topic but, whoever gave odunigba samson bad rep above, just stop it. This guy has 1 post to his name and it's not even a bad post but someone has given him bad rep, it has to be someone experienced because he has instantly gone red. I see this as a great injustice and so give him positive rep and low and behold, someone with 1 post now has two green squares.

This is not the way to encourage new posters.

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