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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

ASM-Bit-Banged I2C Driver For PCF8574 I2C LCD Backpack for Enhanced PIC's

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I'm working on a PIC project that just wont do what it is supposed to do when all the various functions are assembled in to one file, so having a couple of pins spare, I decided time to look at various registers on an LCD and see what was going on (original project doesn't have a display attached).

I found some I2C LCD code on here originally written by Mike - K8LH back in August 2018 for the 16F690 and as I am using the 16F1827, I have modified Mike's code to suit the 16F1827 and attached the file here.

Just make sure to assign the pins you want to use for SCL & SDA in the appropriate place - I'm using RA1 & RA4 as I had those spare.

Rich (BB code):
;  define 'scl' and 'sda' port and pins
iic_tris equ TRISA        ; TRIS reg for scl/sda pins
iic_port equ PORTA        ; PORT reg for scl/sda pins
sclndx  equ RA1            ; index for scl pin (RA1)
sdandx  equ RA4            ; index for sda pin (RA4)

Thank you Mike K8LH for the original.


  • 16F1827_LCD_I2C_Backpack_x2.asm
    15.8 KB · Views: 479
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