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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Assembly Language???

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Re: here is ...

techknow said:
Amady here is the program and the circuit that i am is working u try it and letme know...
from here you can get the software and the sys file ..if u r using windows XP or NT...If u need to view a picture of the working programmer here is the link.
**broken link removed**
that is a real nice circuit ..what did you use to draw it .??
Re: I need help

techknow said:
hey guys did anyone interface HT9202G to a pic16f628...cause i am trying to make a DTMF dialer...i have some difficulty to write the code. hope u guys will help me .

ive always wanted to build a DTMF dialer with a PIC. but i havent had enough time and the knowledge of building one. can you give more info on DTMF dialers. and have u seen a good DTMF project (based on a PIC) on the net ??
hi samcheetah

hello samcheetah. i am trying to make HT9202G works with pic16f628 but still it did not. the difficult part is its very difficult to get an DTMF IC which can interface to pic. But i have seen another cool ic from holtek it is HT9200A and HT9200B these two ic's can be interface to a microcontroller like pic and etc...and u can get data sheet from

This DTMF ic is very easy to interface to serialy and parallel..but i could not get from my region...
i am in maldives which is located in indian ocean and i face lots of difficulties to get compornents..i got HT9202G from a telephone. I think it is an general DTMF dialer ic which everyone use for phone applications..
hope a good news from u..
Re: hi willib

techknow said:
hello willibi here is the link to HT9202G.pdf
i am realy in need of a guy who can help me to make this work with a keypad but the difficulty is when i connect it to a pic it does hope for a solution

Your problem is that the HT9202G is designed for a multiplexed keypad, so you can't simply connect the PIC to it - you need free-floating switches to feed the HT9202G.

The simplest way would be to use small DIL relays fed from the PIC, one for each button - rather crude, but it would work.

ive always wanted to build a DTMF dialer with a PIC. but i havent had enough time and the knowledge of building one. can you give more info on DTMF dialers. and have u seen a good DTMF project (based on a PIC) on the net ??

Actually i dont make circuits basd on net projects..usually i see the datasheet of what i need to make and i design it for my ways...any way i also likes to make DTMF circuits but difficult part is to get an ic.. :cry:
help wanted

i am having very much difficulties to use these instructions...
ADDLW , ADDWF ,ANDLW ,ANDWF ,SUBLW ,XOR........these things ...i spent lots of time to study these instructions ..still could not fixed on my mind like could anyone tell me some easy ways to learn these and some easy examples other than mikroelektronika's pdf..
so pls get me an easyway to lunderstand these instructions..thank u guys for helping advance...
Re: help wanted

techknow said:
i am having very much difficulties to use these instructions...
ADDLW , ADDWF ,ANDLW ,ANDWF ,SUBLW ,XOR........these things ...i spent lots of time to study these instructions ..still could not fixed on my mind like could anyone tell me some easy ways to learn these and some easy examples other than mikroelektronika's pdf..
so pls get me an easyway to lunderstand these instructions..thank u guys for helping advance...

They are all explained in the datasheet (and in the MPASM helpfile), but for an example:

ADDLW is 'ADD Literal to W, it simply adds the literal value after the instruction to the W register - it's not very complicated?.

ADDWF adds a file (GPR) and the W register, the result can go to either the GPR or W, depending on the suffix at the end of the instruction (,W or ,F).
Little difficulty

i have interface two 7segment displays to a PIC16F628 and it was working fine. **broken link removed** here is the link in my forum to view it...from the code u can see the data to the segment is send separatly
call display1on ;set RA0 high( first display)
movlw 0x66 ; make pins high (b'11001100')
movwf portb ;of port b
call display1off ;set RA0 low
clrf portb ;clear portb
call display2on ;set RA1 high (second display)
movlw 0x07 ;make pins high (b'00000111')
movwf portb ;of port b
call display2off ;set RA1 low
clrf portb ;clear portb
goto segdatab ;again start

to first segment

call display1on ;set RA0 high( first display)
movlw 0x66 ; make pins high (b'11001100')
movwf portb ;of port b
call display1off ;set RA0 low
clrf portb

to second segment
call display2on ;set RA1 high (second display)
movlw 0x07 ;make pins high (b'00000111')
movwf portb ;of port b
call display2off ;set RA1 low
clrf portb

so i need a code which will be very easy this example below
MOVLW       .21
         MOVWF       SEGMENTS

WHEN I USE THIS COMAND IT SHOULD "2" ON 1st SEGMANT AND "1" ON 2nd we can see "21" ......if there is aneasy way to modify my code let me know ...[/code][/quote]
I suggest you look at my seven segment display tutorial, it multiplexes two seven segment LED's using a 16F628 - it uses a lookup table to convert from numbers to the correct segments.
Re: pic16f628

techknow said:
thank u for reminding me the link...hey i have tried you LCD code but i am having some difficulties i dot' know where t o connect the D4,D5,D6 AND D7.. and W/R,E ..etc so could u led me the circuit dagram to interface LCD to pic in 4bit mode

The tutorials give all that information, the hardware pages give circuits and veroboard layouts.
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