atari punk color organ

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Well-Known Member
curious if this has ever been done or even possible.
Am playing around building an Atari Punk Console but thinking of adding LEDs that are controlled by 3 band pass filters (low, mid high)
this is for another project for grandson to drive his parents nut with the sound and amuse him with the LEDs.


  • vibra punk circuit.png
    85.9 KB · Views: 187
  • color organ schematic.pdf
    106.7 KB · Views: 195
Here is the circuit I have been using with the IRF520 MOSFETS and it works as planned.
Those are driven from a POSITIVE going LOGIC LEVEL signal, a very different application.

The "colour organ" is an analog circuit; the rectifier outputs cannot drive a MOSFET.

Using the 2N3904 collector gives a NEGATIVE going "switch" signal out, where it is intended to drive the small LEDs.

That could drive the upside-down (Source connected to positive) P-channel version of the MOSFET circuit, as previously stated.

If you suggest anything else, don't expect a response.
You have taken out the 2N3904

You have been repeatedly told you cannot substitute a FET.

The 2N3904 MUST be in as the original circuit, with the collector of that driving the gate of the P channel MOSFET rather than directly driving the LEDS.

(You also appear to have source and drain swapped on the FET).

That's it, no more, I'm not wasting effort going around in circles forever if you will not read and follow the answers.
Wow. I clarify the solution from 20 posts ago that MrDEB has been steadfastly ignoring or screwing up despite many NO replies, and instead of an extremely token "thanks", he posts some piece of crap circuit he claims he found online that has the mosfet shorted across the power rails with the comment "This will be just as good?"

Please do lay out circuit boards and build that circuit. Be sure and connect it to a really beefy power supply! Then watch the sound and light show as the mosfets explode! Take video! We all want to see!
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