atari punk color organ

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Well-Known Member
curious if this has ever been done or even possible.
Am playing around building an Atari Punk Console but thinking of adding LEDs that are controlled by 3 band pass filters (low, mid high)
this is for another project for grandson to drive his parents nut with the sound and amuse him with the LEDs.


  • vibra punk circuit.png
    85.9 KB · Views: 186
  • color organ schematic.pdf
    106.7 KB · Views: 194
I must have missed something here. The last schematic I see from post #66 shows a P-channel mosfet. Now, the discussion is about N-channel devices. Is there a new schematic, or did this thread take another path somewhere?
MrDEB has at least 3 different threads going about LED light strips, and has co-mingled the content. You know, there's not enough confusion with one thread so why not mix up three?
I really feel sorry for some future user who googles into one of these threads and tries to make sense of it when they only have one of the intricately cross connected threads.
My experience is when searching threads to figure out something you're unsure of is to AVOID threads that go on for pages. Far from a treasure trove of information, you MIGHT find a nugget or two if you're willing to shift through all the crap.
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