POST Issue 05 of 2017_02_02
Hi CBB9,
Below is the schematic for Version 2 of the Start Command Circuit which should do the job.
(1) Connect a 100K resistor across C3
(1) Hopefully, this is a practical circuit and will produce a /START COMMAND of around 0.2V.
(2) The circuit still does not use the 12V power rail.
(3) R8 is notional and will need to be adjusted for satisfactory operation. Increasing the value of R8 will decrease the sensitivity.
(4) Schottky diodes are not required
(5) A MOSFET is not required.
(6) R9 is for testing only
(7) In case anyone is wondering, the transformer is shown connected the correct way around (input to secondary)
(8) The transformer is not optimum but is a RadioShack type.
(9) The input and output are totally isolated, which is a good thing.
(10) C3 value is not critical (0.2uF will be fine)