Auto CAD

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my teacher has told me to learn Auto CAD . I don't know anything about it.I am restless. Can anyone suggest me anything about these.
I will be grateful
Hi Samina,

Here are a couple of tutorials to get you going. They're not much use though if you don't have the program.



  • IntroCadTutorial.pdf
    84.1 KB · Views: 533
  • GrannyFlatTutorial.pdf
    202.4 KB · Views: 785
  • 3D-Tute.pdf
    196.2 KB · Views: 462
  • SitePlanTutorial.pdf
    163.9 KB · Views: 583
i hope u fine.

Auto CAD was one of the first Computer Aided Design programs to be made available on personal computers. It is built to help people design buildings, products, or public spaces, without having to draw up plans by hand. It was released in 1982 by Autodesk, Inc., and offered a personal solution to software that was before then released only for larger workstations. While CAD programs prior to Auto CAD required massive amounts of computing power in the form of gigantic computers, Auto CAD streamlined its operating and optimized it for the IBM PC, allowing people to work from home or on their own work computers.

Through the 1980s, Auto CAD functioned mostly by using simple lines and circles, and text overlays, to set up custom objects. Beginning in the 1990s, Auto CAD began utilizing more robust custom object features, built with an Advanced Programming Interface using C++. And starting in 2007 Auto CAD has had much more advanced 3D tools that allow for greater 3D modeling and exploration of models, with high-quality, fast-moving rendering.

Shall mean the CADD software developed by Auto-desk® Inc.
CADD mean computer Aided Design And Drafting .

Learn CAD on the Internet

AutoCAD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

**broken link removed**


  • autocad_2010qa_final.pdf
    120.1 KB · Views: 423
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