Auto Charger Fan circuit.

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New Member
I have made charger fan circuit few days ago. This is my first circuit that i built. This circuit is not copied from anywhere. This circuit is used for my personal work.

I don't know or understand have any problem in my circuit?
Or have any idea for improving this circuit?


  • Fan ckt.JPG
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I don't understand the symbols at the very top (left side) of the schematic, it looks somewhat like an inductor but seems to be tapped to a three position single throw switch which doesn't make sense to me. Also there are two diodes one zener and one regular in the schematic that have no value.
I see the device Sceadwian mentions as a relay. However I don't get why it is being turned on by a 2N2222 transistor. Anytime the Vcc power switch (S) is on the transistor is driven into saturation and turns on the relay. The relay coil voltage is apparently Vcc so why use a transistor to turn it on? Since the relay looks to be a SPDT relay and anytime Vcc is not applied the N/C contacts will allow the lamp to discharge the battery. Also as mentioned the diodes have no identification or values? So what is the objective here? Vcc applied, lamp off, battery charge. No Vcc lamp on battery discharging?

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