Auto Reignition

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I'm designing a Hypothetical household gas stove, but I'm not satisfied with the existing Auto-Reignition Systems.

According to Wikipedia
"Auto reignition is a process used in gas burners to control ignition devices based on whether a burner flame is lit. This information can be used to stop an ignition device from sparking, which is no longer necessary after the flame is lit. It can also be used to start the sparking device again if the flame goes out."

Due my poor experiences during electronics design, I prefered to start with a block diagram. My desired approach is measuring the flame's electrical resistance. When the resistance drops below certain threshold, my circuit triggers a Triac and activates the stove ignition.

What amplifier do you suggest for this application?


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Use platinum or titanium for the top electrode -- don't corrode. Any high input impedance amp should work. Look up flame ionization detector for gas liquid chromatography (GLC or GC).

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