Automated Door ( a miniature version of a door) School project

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Should i use a ac or dc motor for this project? detail explanation required which model of motor should i used to move the miniature door, how to reverse motor rotation in dc and ac motor using changeover switches or relay switch? Forward(11) & Reverse (00) ? can i get the schematic to change the polarity of the dc/ac motor? and which model ac/dc motor?
its one door, left to right. I now found out that i need a motor ic to control the orientation of the motor. the door size hasnt been build yet, so i was hoping u could tell me the h x w x t for a cheap motor, i dont even know what gear ratio to go for.
How good is your maths? You need to know (or guestimate) how much force it will take to move the door. Then you can calculate the torque required if a lever or pulley is used. Then you can read motor torque specs to decide which motor/gearbox combo is best matched to your requirements.
Or.... you can get hold of a cheap, small, geared, modeller's motor (from a scrap toy, perhaps) and hope for the best .
is it possible u could give me a schematic of a motor using driver L293 ic to make it move clockwise and anticlockwise
Just google for 'L293 motor schematic'. You'll get lots. Read the L293 datasheet, too.
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