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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Automotive noise filter, choke and capacitor

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Helo everybody. This is my very first time in any kind of forum. I found this very interesting. I have installed a couple of monitors in my van so we can avoid he famous question "Are we there yet?? every 5 seconds from my kids while traveling. The video is Ok but since I have installed them I have a noise that increases with the incements of speed of the car , as soon as I released the throttle and the van speed goes down,theose almost dissapear. It could be te altenator,but the original radio does not have the noise. May be the noise filter of the radio is good and the alternator still could be the problem. Any way , I am just looking to built a simple noise filter, any ideas??
I will appreciate anybody's input.
Thanks a lot.
BIG capacitors in parallel with the power lines, close to the target.
It's illegal to listen to music while you are driving in Canada? :eek:
Hee, hee, haw, haw, ho, ho!

EVERYBODY in Canada drives with the stereo so loud that we can't hear sirens from ambulances, police cars or fire trucks.
We must not read a newspaper, watch a movie nor hold a cell phone while driving. Bus drivers have been caught dangerously texting while driving their bus full of people in traffic. Women have been caught applying makeup with both hands while driving.
Sometimes I steer with my knees while doing something with my hands (holding and eating a hamburger?) but I never had an accident and have never been caught.
audioguru, you failed risk assessment 101. It's not about the individual, it's about the masses. Not to say everyone has to concentrate all their mental powers on not doing something stupid every moment of time, but that an increased amount of mental powers spent on doing the task at hand does prevent accidents.

Who cares if you've never had an accident, what does that prove?

Just for statistics sake, lets say you were the last person on earth, and the reason you were the last person on earth was because you were the 1 person out of 6 billion that didn't do some specific thing. Saying doing that one thing is hasn't killed you yet is pretty short sited.... Risk is about odds and statistics not about senseless assertions of indestructibility.
I can steer with my knees and drive around a corner at double the speed limit safer than many people can with their hands at the speed limit.
Many little old ladies get rear-ended because they drive too slow.

My son won tickets for a racing car school. We drove the racing cars all day. We had many instructions from the teacher who said when the car begins to spin then there is nothing you can do. The brakes, accellerating or steering will make it spin more and just hang on for the ride. I slid many times but saved it every time at a very high speed. Many of the guys in the group raced these cars before (I didn't) and they spun around and around. I past the teacher on the straights. Here is the racing car:


  • Mosport Indy car1.jpg
    Mosport Indy car1.jpg
    97.6 KB · Views: 410
Nicely said AG. :)

Instead of harsher rules for everybody, why not do yearly driver ability testing to weed out all the soccer moms etc who can't drive for crap, and/or make people who fail the tests go for advanced driver training. As a bike rider i watch people's faces, it's amazing the percentage of people who look left with their head WHILE they are turning right onto a busy road! Nuts. :eek:
Weed out bad drivers?
My neighbour was rear-ended on the highway by a school bus!. His van was totaled, luckily he was not injured and luckily there were no kids on the bus. The driver of the bus was going shopping.
She was a Muslim and her shoe got tangled in her very long gown. Her face covering blocked her vision. Women are not allowed to drive anything in her country but she was hired to drive a school bus in my country. I hope they hire only normally dressed people now.
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