[b]Help on a simple 12v battery charger. [/b]

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New Member
Hi to all who view this,

i'm actually in desperated needs. i'm apparently doing a school project and i'm not very good in coming out with a design. i have been searching on the net for quite sometime and still couldn't find a suitable design.

i need help on a simple 12v battery charger. o/p 12V, 0.5A to charge the battery. The circuit must not have any voltage regulators, ic chips. The circuit would be put together with a transformer.

Need the schematic asap!
thanks in advanced to those whom help me.
I've seen schematics where a zener diode and transistor are used to regulate voltage. Sorry I don't have a URL but if you search under power supply basics you'll find it eventually. Usually it's an extension of a description on how a zener diode is applied in power supplies.
All you need for a simple charger is a transformer, a rectifer, and a resistor - most cheap commercial chargers are built like this.
Thanks for the help. i'll go on searching for more. But wat i really need is a circuit, i'm running out of time. :cry: i need a circuit that is simple.

To stevez, can i use a op-amp to regulate the voltage and the current?

Do anyone have a regulator circuit that has a constant output which is 12V and 0.5A? The circuit cannot have a regulator and IC chips.
Would love to recieve more replies!
I hope this help.
Don't copy, just a guidance !! right !!



  • charger2.zip
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