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I'm not sure whether this should be in the energy conservation bit, but I'll start here anyway.
Concerning bacon, has anyone wondered about the amount of water they squeeze into it?
This tenderizes it? improves the appearance? and quite a few more doubtful things, but the most important thing, never mentioned, is that it improves (increases) the weight. But increased THAT much? It's a wonder it manages to hold together! The bacon BOILS first, and only when the water has gone does it begin to fry. All that energy wasted in boiling off the surplus.
This procedure is carried out on virtually all meats, I selected bacon because it's so obvious.
I call for an investigation, on account of green issues. Anybody with me?
Hero's right. If you buy mass-produced crap you get mass-produced crap. If you want really good stuff then pay a bit more to get good stuff.

Hero's right. If you buy mass-produced crap you get mass-produced crap. If you want really good stuff then pay a bit more to get good stuff.


Actually I don't think there is any "good" bacon. It's all garbage. Have to admit that when the garden tomatoes are ripe, I can't resist a BLT.
In the US the major food markets have driven most of the "butcher shops" out of buisness.

We used to buy our meat from in Colorado. They have a special processor for butchering. When they kill the critter they pump chilled salt water in to displace the blood. It reduces the bacteria count by chilling it faster. Good stuff.
Bacon meat is almost as bad for your arteries as is liver and tripe. Save it for the bears. Let them eat it then eat them... much leaner meat.
Most "organ" meats are exceedingly high in cholesterol... liver being one of the worst on the list. Same goes for shell-fish, although they carry omega-3 fatty acids as a small consolation. I would know these things since I have been trying to control hyperlipidemia for tens of years. My situation is genetic (thanks Mom & Dad!). Have you any idea what it's like to eat pizza without cheeze & pepperoni?

list of high cholesterol foods
• Eggs/Egg Yolk
• Cheese
• Cream Cheese
• Kidney
• Ground Beef
• Duck
• Sweet Breads
• Pork
• Sausages
• Butter
• Margarine
• Whole Milk
Have you any idea what it's like to eat pizza without cheeze & pepperoni?

Trying not to gloat, but that just will not

Anyway, wow! I did not know all of this? I like liver, I know allot don't. Also love shell fish (shame on me!). But yeah that stuff is important because I understand you can be skinny as a rail and still have clogged up veins which ultimately is bad for your heart and can shorten your life.

Gee...wonder what these cigs are doing to me? Never mind. Forget I asked that question.
Black Pudding? Sorry dude, but that warm treat looks like something my dog leaves in the back yard.... yeech.

**broken link removed**
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But you need to put it into perspective.

For example egg yolk might be high but how large is an egg yolk?.

Butter might also be high but how much do you put on your bread?

I'm surprised liver is so high, I thought it was supposed to be low in fat. Either way it's high in iron so people at risk from iron deficiency, i.e women should eat lots of it.
Absolutely gorgeous - pigs blood and fat, nice and high in iron!.

I went into a convenience store one time and this foreign guy was working there and he had just pulled his dinner out of the micro-wave. First of all it stunk like hell in there! So this black guy that worked there too said, "what is that?". He said, "pig skin". I looked at it and I almost barfed on the floor...I had to get out of there...and the smell! This was raw pig skin cooked in the micro-wave. It was disgusting! I watched the dude stick his fingers in it and start eating. I was getting deathly ill! I needed out there bad! It's been like 3 years since I saw and smelled that and when I think of it I still get sick. I pray I don't think of it when I'm eating or there goes my appetite.
Hero 999 I'm speaking from the angle of those people who need to monitor and control their saturated fat and cholesterol intake. There are plenty of lucky folks who can gobble up the fattiest of foods and still have normal to low cholesterol numbers. Then again you never know what other ailment might beset them in life. I'll take having to live with and manage saturated fat and cholesterol any day over living with kidney dialisys, cancer treatments, debilitating arthritis, advanced diabetes, etc.
Pork has much less fat today compared to when it was full of fat.
But what has happened to chickens? They used to be able to fly. Now they are so fat that they can't even walk.
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