this is a gas tube. if it's srike voltage is 15V, and it's run voltage is 10V, and it's a 3W tube, it's simple to figure out, you need a 15V supply capable of delivering 300mA. your ballast resistor needs to drop 5V @ 300mA so it will be (5V/.3A)= 16 ohms, and since the dissipation is (5V*.3A)= 1.5W, use a 3 watt resistor for safety factor... the closest higher standard value is 18 ohms, so use an 18 ohm 3 watt resistor as the ballast. with the tube not conducting, the full 15V will appear across the tube and cause it to go into conduction, after that, there is current flowing and the resistor drops the excess 5V, so you have the tube with 10V across it.