Beginner needs some soldering help (I'm trying to build a CMOY amp)

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New Member
Hi there, this is my first post here, I'm very new to the "electronics/soldering" world. I just started last week.

I know how to solder now and have all the necessary tools.
I'm trying to build a CMOY amplifier but im stuck.

The step that I'm stuck on is telling me to solder an led and 10k ohm resistor together.
**I'll attach a picture of the diagram.**

My question is, the leads of the LED and the resistor wont fit into the same hole on the PCB. I'm confused. Do I solder one of the resistor leads onto one of the leads of the led ? If so which one (positive or negative ?).

Again, im an extreme beginner here.
I really need some help with this!!


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I just checked the website the link on the picture is referring to. I guess you want to put the final PCB in a project box and mount the LED in a hole on the side? Solder wires to the LED, take one wire and solder in the hole (the right one on your drawing). Solder one pin of the resistor in the other hole, so it "stands up" from the PCB. Solder the other wire from the LED to the pin on the resistor that "points up".

Did that make sense? If you check out the photos on the website, it's the same thing they have done.
If you want to solder the LED directly to the board, solder the resistor onto one of the pins and put the other LED pin in the right hole and the other resistor pin in the left hole. When you get to the point where you check out, if the LED is working, and you find that it doesn't, the you unsolder the LED/resistor pair from the PCB and just keep them soldered together. Then turn it around, and put the resistor in the right hole and the LED in the left. It matters, which LED pin goes into which hole, but it really doesn't matter, if the resistor is in one hole or the other.
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