best movie robot?

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I see where you're coming from on points 1 and 2 but in my opinion that particular robot wildly missed the mark on both counts, especially point 2. Even as a kid I thought the useless flapping metal jaw was stupid. It's not so much unbelievable as just pointless.

As far as the incidental robots from that series go, I had nightmares (some of the worst of my childhood) about the medical droid from Empire Strikes Back, when Luke is in the biogel tank. I don't know why that one freaked me out so much.


I think some of the coolest movie robots i saw were in Virus, the entire boat was the robot with a single brain"" in charge of all the robots, little bugs and giant things making smaller ones.
very good move,
covers the AI, robotics, and Biomechanical.

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that movie. It was quite a bit better than I was expecting when I rented it. But the downer was that even all the little bug robots were cabled to their power source. ->UNIMPRESSED<- lol

... lmao ...that's pretty sad when you think about it.
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Re:Torben's fear of the TESB med-bot

I remember being kind of confused as a kid about Darth Vader: was he a robot, or wasn't he? There doesn't seem to be any evidence that I can recall from Star Wars that's decisive either way. That said, I was searching for images to illustrate my point, and instead found the following - this probably would have confused me as a kid even further (apparently, it's out of a colouring book):
**broken link removed**

Of course, it's got nothing on this lightswitch my mother-in-law sent me last weekend:
**broken link removed**

Parents: censor your children!
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Oh great. I just laughed water up my nose.

How does something like that make it to production? You can't not notice, can you?

The first robot popping to mind was number johnny 5, saw both movies, loved the bot. Enjoyed the leading actor's (Indian guy) accent at that time, even mimicked it at school, drove everyone nuts with it.
Funny though, I don't recall anyone listing those baddies from the terminator series, that female type thing from number three was quite something.
Have anyone ever noticed that sometimes something is featured in a movie - far fetched at the time - and just sometimes years later a similar thing appears in real life.
I've outgrown examples now, but torben beware of the med-bot
Now that lawn cutter bot is something, I'm sure most men dream about.
I needed that a couple of years ago, had a piece of property with more than 900sq.m of lawn inside the walls. then there was the huge side walk.
Man, I used to cut grass in payments sapnning 2 days or more, and I've actually dreamt about such a mower.
The next thing is a robot pooper scooper, then I don't have to walk after the dogs every day...hahahaha
Re:Torben's fear of the TESB med-bot

Of course, it's got nothing on this lightswitch my mother-in-law sent me last weekend:
**broken link removed**

Parents: censor your children!

a good indicator for if something is turn on or off

I see it now, wow that is wrong. They seem to be staring...

It took me a while, I suppose in this situation that is good? Who would make these? I am definitely saving this into my lol picture file.
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